Chapter 1: Nice to meet You

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I know the first chapter sucks, but the first few chapters are always the worst, so don't be a dick and just read it


Love You


I screamed, panting and crying as I woke up from the same fucking dream I've had since my the first day mother and I moved. School starts tomorrow, and my summer of solitude is sadly coming to an end. I stare at the glowing green numbers on my alarm; one thirty. Great. I only have another three hour of sleep before it officially goes off, and now that I'm up, I don't wanna go back to sleep.

Getting up, I shut off the alarm, trudging my way to the bathroom to start getting ready for my first day of hell since summer ended. I planned on taking a showed, but to waste more time, I found myself playing music and games on my phone as I sat in the bath tub. I stayed there until the water turned cold. Getting out, I through on a pair of old ripped jeans and a black band t-shirt. I grabbed a beanie and pulled it over my still wet hair as I walked into the kitchen to eat breakfast. Not bothering to even comb through the black mop of hair atop my head.

I checked the clock in the living room as I passed it, noticing that it was only about six now. School doesn't officially start for another two hours.

I walked outside, desiding to walk instead of taking my car. I would still be pretty early, but I could always walk my schedual, so I at least had something to do.

Ariving at school proved to be as I had expected; almost completely empty, exept for a few of the teachers and there cars. I walked in the front door, no one even caring that I was there as I walked down the senior's hall to my locker.

I emptied the contents of my back pack onto the bottom of the metal floor of the locker with a loud 'thud,' watching the binders and such slide down the metal walls. Only taking out my schedual and the things needed for first period. I was about to close the door, but stopped when I heard someone else's locker shut behind me. I turned around as the other student did, and all I have to say about him... is holy shit is he pink! I mentally laughed, trying not to giggle out loud, trying to keep a straight face.

Pink skinny jeans, pink turtle neck, pink converse, even pink hair! He also seemed really... happy. Great, another 'friendly' person is just what I need. Note the sarcasm.

"Hello, I'm bubba. What's your name?"

"Marshall lee," I answered flatly, but in all honesty, I was still trying to keep from laughing.

"Well Mr. Lee, what-" I cut him off.

"It's just Marshall," I said, as if he should already have known.

"Okay, Marshall. As I was going to ask, what are you doing at the school so early?"

"You first."

"I was helping the home ech. teacher bake cookies for her new freshman students, for their first day of high school," he told me. "Now you."

"I was bored," I told him, closing my locker and walking away towards my next class.

I looked down at my schedule, trying to find where my first class, science, was. I continued walking, not noticing the pink blob next to me until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Your going he wrong way," he pointed a thumb behind him,"our chemistry class is this way."

"What do you mean- Wait, why do you know what class I'm in?" I questioned.

"I'm in the same class as you... and I might have kinda looked at your schedule..." he mumbled the last part awkwardly, probably hoping I wouldn't hear.

"That's not creepy." He blushed in embaresment, looking down at the floor. "Weird," I commented, walking passed him. As I walked passed, I ran my hands through his hair. No, not to be friendly, just to mess up the 'hair style' he had obviosly worked so hard on this morning.

"Hey, not the hair!" He yelled at me, ducking out of my reach and trying to fix it.

"You are very pink," I said, walking further passed him.

"What's so wrong about pink?" he asked, slightly irritated.

"Pink's just...

"It's what?"

"A girls color, that's all."


Silence fills the halls as neither of is spoke. only to be broken my the echoes of my footsteps at I walked away.

I stepped into the empty class room, but the teacher wasn't there yet. The only thing in the class room was the seating chart written in the whiteboard up front. Sense it as science class, there weren't really desks, but counters for lab stations instead. I took my seat, in the back of the class, where I was assigned to sit, and waited for class to begin as I played on my phone. I put my head phones in, expecting the music to distract me for the next half hour till school actually started. Letting the music block out as much of the real world as it could, yet my eyes still felt the need to scan the room. I looked back at the board, noticing my science partners name; Bonnibell Gumball. She sounded cute! I looked again, trying to find bubba's name somewhere, or more like hoping not to find it. Thankfully, I didn't. I hoped that he either lied, or got confused, or at least something like that.

Well, I guess I was wrong about that because not long after, Bubba walked into the room... and sat down right next to me.

"Are you sure your in the right seat?" I asked, confused on why there wasn't a cute female sitting beside me instead.

"Well my name is next to yours, so... I believe so."

"Your last name is really Gumball?" I asked, trying not to laugh. I'll admit, I was pretty amused... okay it was hilarious!

"Yeah, what about it?"

"It's just funny to me," I snickered a bit.

"How is my name at all humoris?"

"Cause your just so... pink. You're like a big pink gumball... You know what. thats my nickname for you."


"Gumball. That's your nickname now."

"It might as well be my actual name. Many people just so happen to already call me that."

"Same reason I am or what?"

"People have just always called me Gumball. I think it really caught on when I died my hair though," he said as he continued to play with and fix the hair I had screwed up earlier, making it more perfect than it needed to be. It practically made me sick just by looking at it.

Time flew by fast. I continued to zone out to my music after messing with Gumball for a little while more. He helped the teacher, once she came in to the room, and soon enough, more students began to pile into the class. All I have to say about school, is it sucks...

And I can't wait for it to be over...

So let the new year of hell begin...


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Could you spot any clichés?

Clichés: New School and Same Class(es)

Next chapter, try to make guesses on what they are before ending the chapter

Hope you like it so far!

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