Chapter 2: School Days

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"Sup Gumwad," I said, casually throwing my arm over his shoulder, just because I knew he hated it. Because seeing him in a good mood was just no fun, it's way more entertaining when he's pissed.

"Don't call me that, and get off me," he said in a bored tone, shrugging me off. Right now it was Friday's lunch, about three weeks into the school year. I was sitting with my latest group of so called 'friends,' still trying to keep my distance, but in didn't want to look like an outcast. There was Fionna, her sister Cake, this (obviously gay) guy we called LSP, Flame, and of course, Gumball.

LSP was cool I guess. I don't have a problem with the way he swings, but I just think it's weird that he would try and flirt with me sometimes. That's the main thing that bothers me. Other than the fact he reminds me of Bubba, except he's all dyed purple, not pink.

Flame on the other hand, is pretty cool. I think if I were to be anyone's actual friend, it would probably me him. He's just a cool, good guy. He's got red and orange dyed spiky hair, adding the fire to his name. I mean, he plays drums and likes all he same music. And he doesn't flirt with me or think I'm obnoxious, so I count that as the closest thing I have to an actual friend.

Now you may be wondering why Gumball is willing to sit with me, well he's not willing to sit with ME really. He's just there because I'm 'friends' with all of his friends, so he just kinda has to deal with it.

I'll admit, school isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it still sucks. And good thing it was lunch, cause now I can bug Bubbagum all I want and not get into any trouble with any of those nosey teachers.

"Finally," Gumball sighed as the bell rang, though I don't know why he's celebrating. We still have the last two classes together. Oh I forgot to tell you, we have four out of the five classes together, science, chorus, (our separate class goes here) lunch gym, and social studies. Fun right!

Someone just fucking kill me, now.

We got up, heading to the same locker room for gym. Sadly our lockers where on the opposite sides of the room, mine being closest to the door, so I couldn't make fun of Gumball while we changed. I think that makes me count as a bully... Oh well.

I continued to walk, still eating the apple I had brought for lunch. Yep, just an apple. I'm not anorexic I'm just to lazy to pack a lunch, deal with it.

I quick changed, running out with the rest of the group of guys. Though I guess I got changed too quick, seeing as though I forgot my socks... and shoes.

I quick ran back in, only to hear a loud slam once I entered. The type of slam that sounded like a body hitting against a locker door. I rushed over to try and see if I could maybe get a show out of the fight that was bound to happen, but, to my surprise, what I saw instead, was even more shocking than the slamming sound.

There stood my good buddy Flame, in full on make out, with I don't even know who. His body pressing against the others as his hands griped onto the thighs of the smooth legs rapped around his waist. The pale legs of the other wearing pink short shorts, and I must say, whoever she was, her body was hot. At first I had though that the girl might have snuck into the boys room for him, but as they turned there heads to deepen the kiss, I couldn't help but stare at the other's messy pink hair.


"A guys..." I tried to get there attention, break there contact, do anything to make them stop. Aparentally I wasn't loud enough for Flame to hear me, or he just didn't care that he was being watched, but bubba noticed. He untangled his hands from the taller boys hair, pushing him away, telling him to stop. At this point I had already gotten my socks and such as this all happened (I wasn't watching them the whole time, that would just be weird).

They both looked at me, Flame uncaring, his eyes telling me, 'leave,' but I knew Bubba didn't want that, he looked terrified, probably more at the fact that now I knew his secret.

I knew he needed the grade for gym though, and he knew it too. They separated. "Um... Guys.. "I spoke awakwardly, "coach said you need to get to class like, now, or your late and if your late, your gonna need to run an extra fifty something laps-"

Bubba bolted out the door before I could finish. I saw his face, totally red with embarisment, his hair, messy and unkept compared to how it normally was; so perfect that it was sickening.

Flame came up to me, bumping into my shoulder as he walked by me, "You saw nothing," he told me, voice dripping with hatred towards me. It confused me, I though he was my friend, guess not.

We both left the locker room, both pretending to forget as class started.

We were both late...

(Bubba's POV)

As everyone left I tried to leave too, yet I couldn't. I was pulled back, forced into a deep kiss. I instantly gave in, pulling him down closer to me level. His hands snaked around my waist, pulling me closer. I rapped a leg around his hip, trying to get myself higher up. He grabbed my butt, and in response, I jumped up, rapping both legs around him as I locked my ankles together behind his back. My back was soon slammed into the lockers, where he pinned me to them with his body. He roughly grineded on me as his tongue continued to search my mouth, sticking it practically down my throat, and making me moan out in pleasure.

Though what he was doing was a little rough for my taste, it was still really hot, and it still turned me on.

"Flame, stop. We've got to get to class," I told him, braking the intense kiss.

"Come one babe, just a little longer..." he asked, huskily whispering into my ear as he kissed and bit at it. We soon went back to kissing, but were interrupted by a voice.

It was so awkward, and the fact that Flame didn't even stop... well that was actually still sexy. What? Don't look at me like that!

I ran out the door, passing Marshall. I had just barely made it out in time before the late bell rang, and almost as soon as it rang, they stepped out, both looking pissed at each other. Great.


Sorry if you think the chapter is short

It's kinda just setting up the next few chapters

Clichés: Same Classes and Friends Turned Agains Each Other

PS: sorry if it sucks or if it's sketchy, I'm trying my best.

Cliché (An Adventure Time Fanfic) (Gumball x Marshall Lee)Where stories live. Discover now