Chapter Fifty

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A window shattered from impact as a huge dark brown wolf came crashing inside the infirmary.

Liam immediately shifted into a wolf, his clothes shredding into pieces and falling on the floor.

The wolf had wild eyes and was heavily salivating. Shards of glasses clung to its thick fur as it growled loudly at us.

Liam was crouched low next to me, ready to pounce at a moment's notice. Whereas, Louis positioned himself in front of me to protect me from any other incoming attack.

All around us I could hear the snarls of wolves, the shattering of glass, the thuds on wood, whimpers, scratches, and howls.

The wolf took a step forward and, using my seer tone, I yelled, "Stop!"

But the wolf didn't stop.

Instead, it broke into a run and lunged towards me. However, Liam was quick to counter it. Liam went straight for the wolf's neck and a second later, I heard a loud snap before Liam threw the now lifeless body of the rogue wolf across the room.

"Shit, we need to go," Louis said. He grabbed my arm but I removed myself from his grasp to get the crown.

Another wolf barged in from the broken window but Liam was already attacking it before it can even start attacking us.

Louis was already pulling me towards the door, "Wait. Liam-"

"He'll catch up to us," Louis quickly assured me as we stepped out of the infirmary.

Around four or five Southfire wolves whisked past us in a blur, on their way to where the fight was probably happening.

I started to run after them but Louis stopped me. "We need to escape, Elle!"

"I can help them!" I shouted.

"No! Didn't you see what happened back there? Your seer tone didn't work! I don't know what kind of shit these wolves are in but I'm not risking your safety. We need to go!" Louis said, gripping my arm tighter.

My lips pursed in a straight line. I knew Louis was right. And although we didn't know what these wolves were after, I could hazard a guess.

Besides, if the crown and I weren't here, maybe these rogue wolves would leave the Southfire alone.

We started running farther in the huge pack house, hoping to find an exit. All the while I hoped with all my might that there would be no Southfire casualties and that Dylan was all right.

Liam had caught up with us a few minutes later and he was sticking close to me as Louis and I opened one door after the other, hoping to find an exit.

We were in a narrow corridor when suddenly, three rogue wolves appeared at the end.

Louis cursed under his breath as he crouched down and shifted. I backed away and let them handle it but one broke free and started running after me.

Louis tried to stop the rogue after me but the other bit him on the leg to stop him. I tried using my seer tone again but it still didn't work. The rogue wolf, with its crazed eyes, continued charging towards me. So I had no other choice but to run away.

I scrambled back to where we came from until I found myself running up a huge staircase. The rogue wolf easily caught up with me and I felt a weight push me from behind, toppling me down on the steps.

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