Bonus Chapter: Cat & Liam

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I was scared.

It was in the middle of the night and I laid there in the dark on my bed. It was a quiet evening and I should be asleep.

Graduation was tomorrow, after all.

I wept at the thought that I was graduating without Elle beside me. It's been a few weeks since the war that changed the werewolf world happened.

It's been a few months since Elle just suddenly disappeared.

I wasn't there when it happened. All I knew was that on the morning of that day, Mikhail insisted that I stay in his pack house. I relented because he was making such a fucking big fuss about it in my house.

Something was happening. Elle's seer ceremony was a disaster and I hadn't had a chance to talk to her. I didn't know how I could comfort or help her.

I didn't have anyone to talk to and it wasn't like Mikhail told me shit.

God, I missed Liam. So, so much.

I didn't feel anything for Mikhail at all. Being a human, I didn't get what the fuss about this mate shit was. All I knew was that I was a human somehow caught in the middle of this werewolf shitstorm just because I was mated to an alpha. And that I was not with Liam anymore.

And it hurt like hell.

When we got to the Westwind packhouse, Mikahil had the audacity to actually lock me into the bedroom. I screamed all the profanities my brain could come up with as I tried to open the door but, of course, it didn't even budge.

"Just be a good girl and stay there until I come back," Mikhail commanded before he left. "Then we're leaving this shithole for good."

I screamed in frustration when I heard his footsteps fade. I paced around the room wondering what was going on when I heard ripping sounds from outside. I scurried to a nearby window and saw a few hundred werewolves running to the forest to God knew where. Mikhail was still out front, standing  with a few of his ranked weres.

Maybe he felt me looking at him 'cause he stared up. He gave me a smug little smile before he shifted and ran off.

What the actual fuck.

I stared at the window long after they were gone. My heart was thumping on my chest and I just knew shit was about to go down.

I finally snapped out of it and knew I had to get out. I knew Mikhail had reinforced glass on all his windows because that's just some of the boring conversations Mikhail forced me into. So I couldn't go that way.

That fucking door was my best bet so I looked around the room for something sharp I could use to pry it open somehow. Well, trashed might be a better word.

Then I spotted my bag and remembered I had a metal nail file in there.

I poured out the contents in my hurry and finally went to the door and attempt to open it. I was jiggling with the know in concentration that only the collective howl of the few wolves that were left in the house made me pause.

It sent shivers down my spine and I had a sinking feeling. It sounded different - like they were in agony or something.

I shook my head and gave it a few more tries. When I finally heard the click, I almost jumped in joy. I threw it open and ran outside and towards the front door.

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