Bonus Chapter: Alternate King

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Dylan mirrored the surprised look on my face.

I felt the familiar pinching on my stomach as I dropped on my bum on the hard forest floor.

"No!" Harry screamed in anguish.

Dylan dropped the gun when Harry crashed onto him.

They both rolled and scrambled against trees, against each other. My ears were still ringing from the loud gun shot.

But my eyes had dropped down to my midsection. Blood was gushing out and I was trying to stop it with my hands.

My body could had removed the silver bullet. But my wound was not healing as quickly as it should.

I felt dizzy and my vision was blurring.

I felt my back hit the uneven hard floor. But I hardly felt the impact.

I looked up at the sky, the moon peeking out from the thick foliage. The ringing sound had subsided and I could hear Harry and Dylan still fighting, their growls and blows growing louder and more beastly.

There was another loud bang.

"Harry," I called, my voice hardly above a whisper. I worried he was hurt. I didn't want him to be hurt.

I saw Harry throw away the gun and saw Dylan lying face down a few feet away. Dylan was unmoving and I could smell fresh blood coming from him.

I heard the collective howl of Southfire wolves. They knew. They could feel it.

Their alpha was dead.

Harry quickly knelt beside me and cradled my head.


One look at him and I knew he could smell the poison that was emanating from the wound in my stomach. It was very much like Dylan to use a mixture of poisonous flowers after all.

Harry carried me and began running. I didn't know where he was going but I guess he knew the way out of this forest.

I kept my eyes trained on his beautiful face, watched as his curls bounces with every step. I looked at his chiseled jaw, his sharp nose, his beautiful green eyes.

I was making sure I remembered every last detail of his face.

I could hear growls, snarls, and crashes again. They grew louder and louder with every step Harry made.

He ran past them, expertly dodging any obstacle that came his way. He slowly laid me down on a couch a few moments later.

Louis, Liam and Zayn had followed.

We were back in the Southfire pack house.

"What the hell happened?!" Zayn screamed as he looked at all the blood that covered Harry and me.

"Just fucking find an antidote! Fucking Dylan shot her!"

The wound had almost closed by now but the potent poison was very much still in my blood. The three boys all had horrified looks on their faces. I tried to give them a smile to let them know I was fine.

The four of them quickly dispersed to some part of the house to look for an antidote. I could taste the blood in my mouth as I listened to the fight that was still on going outside. Even without their respective alphas, Southfire and Westwind were still fighting for them.

Why won't they stop?

Too many blood were already unnecessarily spilt.

My eyes caught the glint of something shiny in the messy room.

The crown. It was on the floor, under a chair like it was a forgotten piece of toy. All of these over something as fickle as that.

But I now knew what she wanted to happen all along.

"Zayn," I called, my voice so weak I was afraid he wouldn't hear me.

A few seconds later, he was at my side.

"What is it?" he knelt beside me. He glanced at my stomach. My clothes were soaked with blood but I was sure there was no visible wound by now.

"Lead them for her, Zayn."

"What shit are you talking about, Elle?"

"She made you for this. You were made for this."

"No! I don't want this. I only want you. Elle, please don't do this!" Zayn sobbed as he took my bloody hands to his.

My lips quivered as tears welled up on my eyes, "Look after them for her. For Gummy. For me."

With the last ounce of strength I had, I used the wind to bring the crown closer. It hovered above Zayn's head for a bit. I knew it would not hurt him. There was nothing that could hurt him anymore.

"You were my first love, Zayn," I whispered. "But you were meant to be someone more than just my first love."

A soft flick of my fingers and the crown fell on its rightful place.

A large burst of power emanated from Zayn, throwing almost everything in its path in disarray.

Zayn was not like the other alphas and was unlike Seralune and me. He was an alpha made by the Moon Goddess to withstand the immense powers our bodies couldn't.

I let go of his hand.

The wind swirled around us, like it was bidding farewell to me because it was now bound with the Alpha King.

Everything around us fell quiet.

I could feel the bonds breaking from every wolf packs. Werewolves were no longer held down by four different packs.

To them, there were no more Southfire, Westwind, Eastearth, and Northwaters.

There was no more Moon Goddess, no more maiden.

There was only the fulfillment of a prophecy.

And the rise of Alpha King Zayn.

I could feel Zayn's eyes on me but I wasn't looking at him anymore. 

My eyes were already staring back at Harry's beautiful green ones.

Harry had never wanted to be alpha king. Unlike many alphas before him, he only wanted to lead a peaceful life for his family and pack. He only wanted those he loved to be safe and happy.

Like how he made me feel ever since I met him. He had arrived in my life like a storm and had consumed every moment of it since.

I only regretted that I wouldn't be able to show him how much he meant to me.

Harry walked closer when he saw me reaching for him.

My vision was already fading and I wanted to make sure he saw that he was the one reflected in my eyes.

And when our hands met, it was like I had found my home after being lost for a long, long time.

"Selene," he pleaded, his voice cracking.

I really hated making Harry sad.

"I love you, Harry."

|| This was actually an idea I had been playing with when I was writing this story so I just thought I'd put this out here. ||

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