Chapter Fifty-Four

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An hour into this ceremonial party and I was already feeling exhausted. I had met and was introduced to people whose names I wasn't sure I would even remember because there were just too many.

I tried to keep up but it was pretty hard when I was meeting people left and right. A couple hundred werewolves were in attendance after all.

Not to mention the few handfuls that suddenly found their mates. There were around two couples that were easy to resolve as they were from the same packs, albeit from different countries. It was a bit harder when they were from separate packs or when one was a rogue.

I had to officiate some pack transfers on the spot whilst one couple decided to go rogue for the mean time. Their alphas weren't too happy about this but there was really nothing we could do but let the mates be together.

I was finally able to get a short breather after meeting a large family of rogues.

Louis handed me a drink. "You'll get used to it."

The ceremony was being held at the old factory and its open grounds. It had the space, utilities, and the seclusion we needed to hold such a big event. I even heard that the chief had all roads leading to this area closed off for the night just for an added layer of privacy from unwelcomed eyes.

This night, everyone was aboveground and weren't occupying the club downstairs. I almost didn't recognize it when I first stepped in.

Louis had spearheaded the arrangement of the place. He had people set the place up with rustic vibes in mind. There were large wooden barrel tables that littered the floor. Dainty flowers and fairy lights decorated the walls and ceilings. Food and wine were served to everyone as well.

"I hope so," I said as I sipped the sweet wine. I felt restless. It felt like a hundred butterflies were in my stomach and they all decided to flit about tonight. "Can you guys handle everything for a moment? I need to go to the bathroom for a sec."

Liam nodded as he took the glass from me, "Sure thing, Elle."

"Be careful," Louis warned.

I gave them a quick reassuring smile as I headed towards the ladies' room.

I didn't really need to go. I just thought I could catch my breath for a moment and the bathroom was the only place I could think of.

I was standing by the sink and taking deep breaths when the door opened again. A pretty blond girl walked over to the sink next to me. She was wearing a long-sleeved dress with thigh-high slits on each leg. She also had a large pear-cut emerald dangling from her neck.

She was staring at me on the mirror, like she was sizing me up. I could tell she had a high-ranking wolf. A beta of Northwaters, I think.

She finally turned to me and smiled, "Hello, Lead Seer. I am Chrystal Rowe of Northwaters."

I hesitated. She was smiling but there was no sincerity in her eyes.

"Hello, Chrystal."

She kept staring at me until she finally smirked like she decided I was no match for her. It was a look I knew well. Many of Zayn's ex-flings gave me the same one.

She turned and left before I could say anything else. I just rolled my eyes but my quiet moment had been interrupted so I just went back outside.

I was looking for Liam and Louis, greeting back anyone who saw me when Zayn emerged from a nearby corner. His beautiful face was in a scowl as he undid his tie. He was wearing a thick brown suit, with a white plaid polo and a black tie.

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