Chapter 10

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The drive was silent to farmhouse when Avni realised Neil is taking her too instead dropping her home. She looks at him.

Avni : Neil why you not dropping me home before going to farmhouse.

Neil divert his gaze from road to Avni.

Neil : do want to go home!

Avni : are you not meant drop me there.

He kept his focus on road and replied to her.

Neil : actually I need to drop this file to dad urgently. Sorry if you getting late.

Avni : its fine!

Neil parked the car. He took his seat belt off. Before he could get he turned back and saw Avni was looking at Neil.

Neil : you wanna come inside.

Avni : it's looks beautiful, can we come after giving file to your dad. Only if you don't mind.

Neil smiled at her.

Neil : sure but hope you are not getting late.

Avni : no!

Neil : ok then. Let me get the file.

Avni nods. Neil went to get file while Avni admired outside the view of Neil farmhouse.
She then looked at her phone which flashing with Neela name.

She bit her lip and picked it up.

Avni : hello maa!

Neela : Avni where are you?

Avni : maa at my friend house!

Neela : whose house?

Avni : mithal!

Neela : Avni don't lie. I called mithal but she said you not with her.

Avni took deep breath.

Avni : I am sorry maa, actually I am with Neil.

Neela : Neil who?

Avni : remember I told you we made new friends. It's him maa.

Neela : oh Neil? You should have informed me first place then lying.

Avni was shocked first as if her mother finds her being with boys then she dead.

Avni : maa are you okay?

Neela : i am but what will happen to

Avni : you not scolding me being with boy.

Neela : come on Avni. I don't always scold about boys. Leave all this tell when will you be back.

Avni : maa don't know yet. Can I stay here.

She asked with hope as she wants enjoy visiting farmhouse.

Neela : his house?

Avni : maa please don't tease! Please let me.

Neela : you know I can't say no to you so why do you ask.

Avni : thank you maa.

Neela : enjoy! Bye I will inform your dad too.

Avni : maa don't tell papa about Neil.

Neela : I won't! Good night.

Avni : goodnight!

Avni kept her phone back into her bag when she saw Neil getting inside car. Neil kept the file back of the sit and passed her smile.

Neil: who were you talking to?

Avni : maa!

Neil : did she say anything?

Avni : nothing much just asking where j was.

Neil nods. Avni kept her hand back to the sit. Neil put his seatbelt on. He started the car.

Avni : can I put music on.

Neil nods. Avni turns the radio and closed her eye. Neil took one glance and saw with eyes closed. He smiled at seeing her adorable face. He shift his focus back to road.

Neil again parked car front of Khanna industrial. He looked at Avni side and saw her sleeping. He quietly got and took file from back seat and came out of the,he then went to see Praksh not before locking his car.

Neil went the receptionist and went to Praksh cabin. He knocked and waited. He went in when he heard Praksh.

Praksh smiled at Neil.

Praksh : why did you knock?

Neil : I thought you would be buys. That's why I knocked!

Praksh : this office belongs to you more than me. Don't Knock next time.

Neil nods and hand him the file.

Praksh : thank you beta. It's was important file.

Neil : don't thanks me dad.

Praksh : you want something to eat or drink.

Neil : no dad my friend is waiting. I should leave now!

Praksh nods. Neil leaves back to car only to see Avni waking up. He settled in car.

Avni looks at him.

Avni : why don't you woke me up?

Neil : I didn't feel to wake you up.

Avni smiled.

Avni : gave file to uncle!

Neil nods. He starts driving back to farmhouse. On his way he asked Avni to call pizza boy and place order.
Avni did what Neil told her. Both got out the car and walked inside the car.
Avni was only admiring all this, Neil smiled at her.

Both settle on couch after seeing all the Around the farmhouse. At the same time bell rang. Neil went open it and brought pizza. He placed it on table and went to grab plates and glasses. He also brought drink.

He sat beside Avni and handed her plate and glass. Then placed one slice of pizza in her plate and took one for himself. Avni took bite. Both were enjoy eating pizza when Avni suggested to watch movie. Neil connected his tv and put the movie on.

Avni wanted to watch romantic movie while Neil agreed to Avni as didn't disobey her. He told her to choice movie. She picked her favourite movie vivah ( this is my favourite movie)

It's was nearly half way when Avni Kept her head on Neil shoulder. Feeling head Neil looks at Avni who was sleeping on his Shoulder. He smiled at her. He moved her head and carefully placed it on coach and turned tv off.

He slowly picked her in his arm and walked to his room. He placed her on bed and covered with duvet. He switched the light and went back to hall to clear the mess. He kept plates and glasses back to kitchen. He washed them and placed it back. He threw pizza box after keeping left ones.
He filled jug of water and went to
His room. He went out jug on table and looked at Avni who snugged to duvet. He smiled at her. He caressed her hair and took pillow and went couch.
He took one glance and closed his eye.

Firstly I would like to say Sorry for not updating since few months but as my stories are going I really don't feel to write. I will write next update soon but don't know when. This is you Taniya as you wanted me update since long. Sorry keeping you late. Hope you like it.


Wish you very happy birthday aanya_mishra. We don't know each other much but i am glad to find you on wattpad. Your stories are amazing . I still middle of reading them. God bless you with lots happiness. Hope this birthday you all wishes comes true. Stay bless and keep writing. Lots love ❤️❤️❤️😘

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