Chapter 12

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Soon as they reached in class... everyone sat on their seat expect AvNeil and Mithal.... mithal quickly took her seat and looked at Neil thinking he will seat beside her but Neil passed her seat and sat behind at the class making mithal sad..... avni too looked at Neil seeing him passing mithal seat... but never said anything and sat beside mithal......

As student settled in class a teacher entered with book in her hand.... she smiled at them and moved to her board..... she kept book on her desk and lifted her eyes.....

Teacher : good morning everyone.....

Students : good morning ma'am....

Everyone stood up and wished good morning to their class teacher....

Teacher : sit down....

Everyone sat down and opened their book...

Teacher : today we will be learning about.... algebra..... I know some of you will be good at it but it important to teach everyone too...... as we learning about algebra I have changed your seating according to last score on algebra test.... can I have everyone to be standing up and line up at the front....

Everyone got off their seat and lined up at the front of class.... one by one student were made sit with their new partners.... at last it was AvNeil's friend left.... teacher stood front Neil and smiled....

Teacher : Neil I am proud of you.... in entire class you got the highest.... since You got the highest I decided that you will get option who to seat with..... you can choose who you would like to seat with....

Neil : ma'am I don't want to choose..... I request you choose for me..... even if I sat at back then I will be happy as being alone I learn more..... please...

Teacher : hmm.... let me ask class what they want....

She turned to class who was already seated expect the AvNeil's friends....

Teacher : class what you think who should be lucky one to seat with Neil.....

One student : ma'am it's better for Neil to seat With Juhi.....

Neil smiled hearing the girl and looked at Juhi....

Teacher : Neil....

Neil : I don't mind miss.... plus I got my best friend with me....

Teacher nods.... new sitting was like this.... Neil with Juhi.... Rita with vidyut..... Ali with mithal.... Tara with sitara , suhneria with Avni......

Everyone was listen was paying attention to class while Neil was whispering something to Juhi.....

Neil : Juhi listen......

Juhi : Neil shut up.... don't disturb me.... I need to do this....

Neil : Juhi..... please....

Their whisper was disturb by the class teacher who was looking at them with glare..... Neil stood up feeling strong gaze on him....

Neil : sorry ma'am....

Teacher : out of class now.....

Neil smirked lightly and left the class room while teacher looked at Juhi.....

Teacher : he is good in studies but very naughty boy.....

Juhi : sorry ma'am

Teacher nods and starts checking others work while Neil dancingly came to boys toilet.... others boy gave look while he cared less.....

He quickly used toilet and washed his hand.... he came out toilet and stood front of his class.... the class was made out glass he stood there leaning to door......

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