Chapter 26

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Hour passed when avni was still in library.. she was still reading book when she felt someone sitting beside her.. she moves her gaze from book and looks at Neil who was making himself comfortable on the floor.

She got startled as she saw him in the library..

Avni : Neil..

Neil : sshh.. actually i have come to call you.. I was going to call but then thought why you visit you in library.. by the way what are you reading?

Avni : a love story book...

Neil: you read love story book.. do you believe in love?

Avni : I love reading love story.. I do believe in love..

Neil : any boyfriend?

Avni looks at him confusingly thinking why he is asking all this now..

Avni : Neil why you asking all this suddenly? I mean.. you never asked me like this then why today?

Neil : woh... Chuck all this.. i came to tell that everyone is planning to shop for our field trip..I'm going with them so do you want to join me?

Avni : but..

Neil : don't worry about that.. I'll but for whatever you like.. you just say yes.. please..

Avni : okay I'll come.. but when are we going?

Neil : after college..

Avni : okay.. can I use your phone for moment..

Neil : my phone?

Avni : yes.. I need to inform aunty not wait for us. She will be worried not seeing us home after college..

Neil smiled seeing her concern for swetha.. Neil took his phone and messaged swetha about going to shopping while he too message swetha  number to Avni.. soon Avni's phone beeped with message.. she took her phone out and saw Neil's message.. she smiled at him..

Avni: thank you Neil.

Neil : don't thank me.. acha enough of reading, let's go canteen and sit with others..

Avni : but I haven't finished reading this book..

Neil : do one thing take this book with you.. let me issue this on my name.. you join others. I'll be back..

Avni : are you sure.. i can do it on my name too.

Neil : yes I'm sure. You join them.

Avni said okay and got up to leave not before giving book to Neil who took it and went way too library teacher..

Avni walks to corridor when she felt someone following her. She turns back and saw no one behind her. She frowned and thought she is thinking too much. She chucked her thoughts and walks to canteen..

In canteen Neil's and Avni's friends were discussing about their trip which is next week.. all of them is very excited about trip.. avni coming to them took seat next to mithali and smiled at everyone..

Ali: avni you want something to eat?

Avni : no thank you.. I'm not feeling to have something..

Ali nods and continued talking to vidyut..

At the same time Neil comes and gave book to avni.. everyone saw this and smiled expect mithali who was glaring  at Avni as she was being close with Neil..

Avni : thank you Neil..

Neil just smiled and sat next to Juhi.. he saw juju giving him smirk but he totally ignored her..

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