Chapter 37

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It was very late when mithali reached home... before going inside her house she looks around to see if anyone saw her coming this later or not.. she sighed not seeing anyone around her house but little did she knew someone was keeping eye on her actions..

Mithali starts walking to her house while smiling like fool.. she took key out from her pocket and inserted inside the key hole and twisted it around and opens the door... she enters inside and went straight to kitchen and filled glass of water.. leaning to slab she drank the water.. keeping the glass in sink she moves back to hall and picks the key and kept near door..

She turns to leave to her room but stopped as she heard door bell.. she frowned thinking who would be this time at her house.. chucking her thoughts she went and opens the door and got shocked seeing Neil in such sate.. she was confused seeing him at her house at this time especially seeing him looking pale and his hair was messed up..

Mithali: Neil.. what are you doing here?

Neil smirks and leaned to her making her more confuse..

Mithali : Neil.. what are you doing...

Neil:  don't you know what am I doing... mithali...

Mithali : Neil.. move side...

Neil: why? I thought you loved me.. didn't you love me.. hawww you broke my heart...

Neil then kept hand on his heart acting like how she broke his heart.... while mithali stood there being shock and confused seeing his behaviour...

Mithali : Neil get out of my house...

Neil didn't answer her but pushed her away and made himself comfortable on sofa and looks at her...

Neil : I won't get out of your house.. I'll stay here... I'll party. Let's party..

Mithali was like 'what the heck' she gave him look and moves sofa.. she held his hand and tried making him get up but Neil gripped the sofa edge tightly and start his fake crying session... while trying pulling Neil off the sofa Mithali fell down landing on her butt and Neil stops his fake cry and burst into laugh...

Neil held his stomach and laughed at her...

Neil : hahahaaaaaa mithali.. you fell down.. are you okay ... did you get hurt... haha haha mithali.... do you need help... shall I  help you...

Neil controlling his laugh forward his hand to mithali...  mithali angrily glares him and saw his hand.. she held his and tried getting but fell down once again as Neil left his hand from her hand making her land on her butt with thump once  again...

Neil once again burst into laugh... he couldn't control his laugh so he turned his head other side and pretended to sleep..

While mithali grits her teeth and gets up..

Mithali: Neil get out of my house.. or I'll call the police..

Neil didn't move or said a word which made mithali suspicious on him.. she moves close to him she heard him snoring loudly...

Mithali : Neillllllllll..

Mithali stomps her foot and walks to her room and bangs the door so hard making Neil get out.. as mithali left Neil sat on sofa and smirked.. he took his phone and quickly dropped a message then kept his phone back in his pocket then laid back on sofa ...

Neil ( povs) I won't leave you mithali.. you kidnapped my love... yes my love.. I was so dumb not realising my feelings for Avni earlier.. I thought it mere attraction but today I have realised how much I love avni.. you will regret  mithali kidnapping avni..

Neil then tried sleeping on sofa but couldn't.. so he took his phone and starts playing game on his phone.

While other side at sid house.. avni sitting close to knees.. she heard door opening and peeps out to see sid coming with food tray..

Sid come near bed and kept the tray on bed and looks at avni..

Sid : have food..

Avni didn't answer him but kept her head down..

Sid : your wish.. starve yourself..

Sid left the room while avni lifts her head and looks at the plate.. she pushed the plate side and cried hugging herself.

Next morning..

Mithali woke up and comes to hall and saw Neil sleeping.. she made face seeing him and recalled last night...

Mithali : this is right time to leave before he wakes up..

Mithali quietly moves to door and left the house.. as she left Neil got up and took his phone and called someone..

Neil : hello.. she just left the  house.... yeah.. bye.. I'm coming out..

Neil ended the call and quickly comes out of the house.. he hid behind the door as he saw  Mithali still there.. as mithali car zoomed out Neil comes out and waits for someone.. soon someone arrives and Neil immediately sat in the car..

Neil: sir follow the car which left a minute ago..

The driver nods and follows mithali car...

Hour later mithali reaches at sid house and parks her car front the house. She comes out and towards the door.. while other side Neil stopped the driver seeing mithal car.. they stopped 5 minutes away from mithali car so mithali doesn't get doubt on them..

Neil : sir mithali has reached where it's possible avni would have kept.. I think we should stay here and see what's going inside..

Police: Neil you're right but we need to know if avni is there or not.. mithali could try to divert us.. we need to be sure if mithali kidnapped avni and kept her inside this house.. one of us should peep through window and see whats going inside the house..

Ashish : yes Neil officer is right.. Neil why don't you see what's going inside the house... you can keep us in touch..

Officer : yes Neil.. here take this Bluetooth.. I have one too.. we both will contract each other through Bluetooth..

Neil: okay sir..

Neil comes out of the car and went towards the door and hid himself back way to the house and looks through window..

Inside the house.. Sid opens the door and saw mithali..

Sid : what the hell mithali? Didn't I tell you not come unless i call you..

Mithali: I know but...

Sid : but what mithali?

Mithali then narrates him whatever when went her house.. Sid looks at her shockingly..

Sid : dumbest girl you're..

Mithali: I'm not dumb..

Sid : whatever... we have to do something before we get caught.. by now police would be looking for avni..

Mithali too nodded her head and agreed to him..

Again a short update and with that we have also completed two years of this story too. Congratulations to you all.. much love to you all. Thank you for loving and showering  so much love on this story.. thank you for supporting me too.. Thank you. ♥️♥️♥️

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