Chapter 42

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12 hours of journey the coach finally stopped at hotel where all of them is going stay for a week. Everyone starts moving out of the coach expect AvNeils now was still busy in their world..

( according to google the journey from Mumbai to goa in bus is something like 12 house and 55 minutes. I'm not sure if this right or not but ignore the mistake. And if it's possible then forgive me for the mistake)

actually the things Is after avni waking up after three hours of nap saw Neil herself sleeping on his shoulder.. she smiled seeing his care towards him.. she immediately frowned seeing him watching his phone screen so  intensely..

So she peeped to his phone and saw him watching something which she loves lot. She poked his shoulder gaining his attention..

Neil immediately turned his gaze and looks at her taking his ears phone out.

Neil : did you good nap?

Avni : yes I did but what are you doing?

Neil : woh I was watching this.. do you want to watch it too?

Avni : can I watch it too.. I love this too! It's my favourite.

Neil : obviously you can. Here take this.

Neil gave one earphone to avni.. avni leaned his shoulder and starts watching on his phone screen.. both of them were so much engrossed that they didn't even realised how much hours passed them being lost in their world..

Few hours later both slept with Avni's head on his shoulder and Neil's head on back of the seat.. avni slept once again feeling tired sitting at one position... they stopped in between and woke up for lunch in restaurant.. after Lunch  once again AvNeil slept.

As the coach stops at the hotel AvNeil was still sleeping.. as everyone was getting out when Juhi and Riya comes to Neil's seat and smirks seeing the sight front of their eyes. Juhi took her photo and clicked their picture...

Juhi : it's looks someone is sleeping so peacefully.. right Riya.

Riya : you're right Juhi but something we have missed .. we need to keep eyes on Neil.

Juhi : correct but for let's wake them up!

Riya nodded his head and shook Neil's right side shoulder and whispered his name..

Riya : Neil.. Neil.. we have reached.. wake up..

Neil immediately shot his eyes open and looks at his friend who was smirking at him.

Neil : why you both smirking?

Juhi: are we smirking Neil? We owe answer from you. Now wake avni up. She is sleeping too. We have reached. I and Riya going to wait outside for you both to come!

Neil looks at Juhi then nodded his head. Riya and Juhi went out. Neil turns Avni's side lightly and saw her sleeping on his shoulder with smile.. he smiled and pecked her forehead softly..

Neil : you're so cute avni..

He then starts waking her up.. avni stretching and yawningly opens her eyes and saw Neil with smile.

Avni : good morning!

Neil chuckles at her..

Neil : not morning.. it's night.. we have reached to hotel.. we have to get out of coach as everyone is waiting for us down the coach..

Avni : oh sorry..

Both stood up taking their belongs comes out of coach and moves to their friends who was enjoying the view of the hotel...

Neil : hey guys..

All of his friends turns around and saw him.

Ali : hey Neil.. look this is so beautiful..

Neil : yeah..

He said admiring the view too when his eyes fell on his love who was seeing everything like kids does. He smiled at her.

( imagine hotel to be like this)

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( imagine hotel to be like this)

All students was admiring when teachers took attention of them.

Teacher : rooms are booked for you all in pairs or groups.. you can decide with who you want share room with. You can share room in twos or threes. Not more than threes in a room.. okay. Now we are heading to reception and grabbing your keys so you can fresh up and take rest. Real fun will begin from tomorrow morning. We will roam and explore goa tomorrow morning. Is that okay to you all.

All students nodded their head and garbled their luggage which was kept out from coach by the driver..

All of them starts walking yo reception area. Teachers got the keys and gave to groups or in pairs..

So the room pairing was like this.. Riya with Juhi, Avni with suhneria, sitara with Tara and boys in one room as three. Ali, Neil and vidyut in room. Grabbing their keys all starts moving to their rooms..

In boys room!

Boy got inside in room and slumped on their bed.

After few minutes later Neil got up and went to fresh up. While other two took little nap..

Neil comes after freshening up and saw them sleeping. He then woke them up and sent Ali to fresh up.

Boys was freshened up and was sitting on bed with their phones in their hand and talking to each other when they heard knock.

Neil got up and opens the door to see teacher.

Neil : sir come in!

Teacher : no Neil! I have come to inform you all about dinner. Come down.

Neil: okay sir!

Neil closed the door as the teacher left and Neil told the boys same. Boys left their room to have dinner in  hotel room as it was arranged for them.

As boys reached they see everyone present there even their girls was there.. they passed smile to their girls and took their seat.

While having dinner teachers told them more about their goa trips making everyone more excited.

After dinner everyone was told to take rest. Neil moves to avni and hugs.

Neil : good night avni!

He broke hug and kissed her forehead.

Avni : good night Neil!

Avni left with suhneria to their room bidding bye to others while Neil too bidding others went to his room followed by boys.

Sorry for short update!

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