Chapter 25

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Next morning Neil left college early not before telling Prakash to drop avni to college. Avni wasn't aware of all this.

Avni woke up half an hour ago.. she was getting ready when she heard neha voice. She turns around and saw neha coming while wiping her hair...

Avni : good morning neha..

Neha : good morning Di..

Avni : are you going somewhere?

Neha : yes meeting a friend..

Avni nods and turns back to continue getting ready..

Soon both got ready and moved down to see everyone sitting in hall expect Neil..

Neha : mom where is Bhai?

Swetha : Neil went to college.. he had some work.. and avni beta Prakash ji will drop you..

Avni : aunty it's okay.. I'll take auto..

Prakash : why auto princess... I'm here to drop you.. even neha is coming..

Avni nods..

After breakfast avni and neha left with Prakash...

Prakash first dropped avni to college then drove to neha friend house.

While avni bidding bye to Prakash and neha walks inside collage when she heard her friends voice. She stopped and turned  around to see them coming to her..

She hugged them one by one and smiled at them..

Avni : you guys early today..

Suhneria: yes.. we thought before class talk to Neil and his friends..

Avni :I'm happy you guys didn't feel bad about his words.. Neil is already in college. Let's go..

All nodded and moves to canteen thinking Neil and his friends would there only...

As they entered canteen they saw Neil's friends sitting and laughing with each other.. they move to their table and avni cleared her throat..

Neil's friends stops laughing and looks at avni and her friends..

Juhi : hey avni.. come take seat...

Avni smiled at Juhi then looks at boys..

Avni : do you guys have problem if my friends join you all too..

Vidyut : hey avni forget whatever happened yesterday.. Neil is like that.. in fact we sorry for Neil's behaviour..

Suhneria: we are sorry too..

Ali : it's okay.. after all we are friends.. come take seat..

All settled while avni roams her eyes around the canteen and didn't find Neil.. she looks at Juhi and Riya..

Avni : Riya Juhi..

Juhi : avni you okay..

Avni : yeah I'm fine.. did you see Neil?

Riya : Neil.. he didn't arrive college yet...

Avni : what do you mean?  He left home before me then how come he didn't come..?

Ali : maybe he is library.. wait I'll call him..

He stood up to leave but stopped as he heard mithali voice.. everyone looks at her..

Mithali : if you don't mind then can I go and call Neil.. I mean...

Riya : mithali why would you go? Look there Neil is here...

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