Chapter 56

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Neil stood front of mirror grumpily adjusting his hair..

Swetha : Tillu stop being grumpy.. you should be happy..

Neil : mom how can I be happy? I don't even know where we are going. Why I am wearing this? I don't like it.

Swetha passed him watch and ruffles his hair.

Swetha : have patience my son.. quickly get ready and come down... we need to leave in 10 minutes..

Neil made face but still nodded his head.. swetha left the room leaving Neil cursing the person whose house they are going to.

Neil quickly wore the watch and taking his phone walks out of his phone.. he tried calling his friends but one of them picked it making him more angrily and helpless..

He saw everyone sitting in hall and waiting for him.. he was surprised seeing all of them wearing Indian outfits..

Neil : mol I'm telling if we are attending someone's marriage then I'm not going.. wedding are so boring... I'm going to change..

He rushed to upstairs but stopped as he felt someone holding his wrist.. he turns back and saw Bebe glaring him..

Neil : Bebe please I don't want to go... I have work... please I can't come with you all.. try to understand.. please Bebe..

He tried making his puppy face at Bebe which obviously didn't work.

Bebe : Neil you are not going back to your room... you're coming with us without arguing with us... Neil you have to be there...

Neil : why me? They don't even know me. Why can't you all go without me? Look neha can company you but not me.. please bebe...

Bebe : Neil I'm telling you, you are coming with me..end of discussion now.. sunny take the car out and keep the gifts inside.. neha you go and sit... I'll make sure Neil comes with us..

Prakash and neha nodding their head took gifts and went outside of the mansion while Bebe forced Neil to come with them.. swetha who was in kitchen getting something out saw all of them leaving.. she quickly rushed out locking all the doors and got inside the car.. z

Neil: Bebe what will I do there? I'll get bored over there.

Bebe : tillu keep quite.. not word should come out of your mouth now.

Neil made face and turns his face looking outside of window..

Bebe : sunny you starts driving..

Prakash nodding his head starts driving.. the car zoomed out of khanna mansion..

Neil making his grumpy face took his phone out and got busy himself.. he didn't care where he was going or they were going... only he cared was why was he dragged with his family when he will get bored over there..

Soon they reached to their destination..

Bebe : everyone come get out of the car..

As Bebe said that Neil lifted his gaze up and looks outside of window only to get shocked and surprised.. he was surprised seeing themselves front of Metha mansion... his eyes went widen open seeing the destination.. he got confused thinking why they are here. Aren't they supposed to be attending some boring wedding..

He confusingly shoved his phone back in his pocket and comes out of the car.. he saw Bebe, neha and swetha taking the gifts out.. he roams his eyes around the mansion to find decorations but didn't find any..

Neil ( mind) I think we have arrived at wrong place. This doesn't look like wedding place.. I'm definitely sure now this is not place where supposed to come.

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