Chapter 38

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Mithali and sid was sitting in hall and discussing what to do with Avni when they heads something falling down.. they looked at each other and ran inside the in room and saw avni struggling to get glass of water.. their eyes fell down on the floor and saw glass broken into pieces..

Sid and mithali smirked seeing Avni I'm helpless state and moves to avni..

Mithali : aww bestie are you having difficult to pick the glass.. awww.. poor you baby.. should I help you..

Avni glares mithali..

Avni : I'm not baby.. don't call me your bestie.. i regret I had friend like you.. how could you kidnaped me? What have I done to you? Why you brought here? Because of you my parents would be worried for me and looking for me crazily out there.. let me go.. what have i done with you?

Mithali : you really don't know why I have kidnapped you.. because of Neil.. Neil is reason behind your kidnapping.. if he didn't rejected me then you would have in your house not here.. Neil.. because of you Neil didn't love me  back.. he got more close to you and you let him getting close to you.. you didn't wanted Neil to fall love with you... I know you have started liking Neil.. I have seen you getting close to him but don't worry before that Sid will take care you... if i can't be Neil's then even you can't be his.. I don't care what you both feel for each other.. all I want to his Neil.. I will get him no matter what.. you can't stop me.. avni.. Neil will be mine and you will be sid..

Mithali spatted all out looking at Avni whereas avni was shocked to hear mithali words.. avni  knew Neil doesn't love mithali but doesn't mean to get Neil she will kidnap his friends.. Neil was only Avni's friends.. that what's avni thoughts.

Avni : Neil.. doesn't love you.. he will never love you mithali.. because of your love you kidnapped me.. why you doing this mithali? Neil has told many times he doesn't love you.. why don't you understand? Get yourself grip mithali.. you don't know what you're doing.. you're becoming blind in love with someone who doesn't love you mithali.. by kidnapping me you can't force him to love you mithali..

Soon as avni finished the room echoed aloud thump crossed Avni's face.. yes Mithali getting angry hearing Avni's words marched to avni and slapped her harshly... avni palmed her cheeks with her hand and looks at mithali sadly.. Mithali was going to place another slap when a hand pulled her back and mithali looks back and saw sid angrily looking  at mithali..

Sid pushed Mithali..

Sid: what's wrong with you? Mithali don't cross your limits.. she is my love so you think I can se her getting slap from you.. don't you dada slap her I'll kill you too... don't make me angry.. now leave the room.. I'll see you later..

Mithali stomping her foot left the room while Sid walks to avni and tried touching Avni's face but avni jerked it and gave disgust look to him..

Sid : aww baby.. giving me look.. don't worry no one can harm you or touch you expect you..

He smirking looking at avni moved out of the room while avni cursed herself and was praying to god to send someone to help her..

While other side Neil was trying to peep and see what happening inside the house.. he then saw Mithali  angrily coming out of room followed by Sid.. as Sid came behind mithali  Neil's eyes went widened shock seeing sid.. his mind recalled few days in flashback and now understood why mithali use to hanged around sid all the time since the day he shouted at mithali and rejected her love for him.. now everything was makings sense to him. He was shocked seeing them together when he heard some voices from Bluetooth which was given by the officer..

Neil came back from tranche and responded to officer who was calling his name... Neil explained mithali being there and told him about sid too..

Neil then looked at back through window and saw both of them fighting.. he couldn't hear why tent were fighting .. Neil saw a room window open.. thinking this as opportunity Neil moved to open window and opened the window more wider.. he held both side window and climbed over it.. he jumped and landed inside the room..

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