Chapter Seventeen

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Crisp orange and brown leaves covered most of the Quinn property as the fall season was in full swing. Regardless of the actual season, most Louisiana days simply felt like summer: hot, humid, and harsh. But the air was cool and light that day since winter was only right around the corner.

Wild giggles erupted from Lia and Lucy as they ran across the yard; Jesse followed close behind, chasing them.

"I'm gonna get you!" Jesse teased, catching up to them just enough to make them squeal, but not enough to actually reach them. "Oh no, you're too fast for me!"

Leaves crunched beneath their boots as they ran. It was a beautiful morning with blue skies and soft clouds that hid the warm sun. Perfect weather always managed to sprinkle good vibes over them and lift their spirits. Life had been so good to them lately, and it showed in their emotions and actions.

"Got you, pretty girl!" Jesse shouted as he scooped Lucy up in his arms, spinning her around. He laughed nearly as much as she did.

"WAIT, I GOT YOU!" Lia screamed as she ran full speed toward Jesse, smacking into him and wrapping her arms around his legs.

"Oh no, she got me, Luce!" Jesse feigned pain, causing both of the girls to giggle. "What do I do?!"

Inside the house, Jolie grew curious about the intense laughter she heard, so she peeked out the window to see Jesse holding Lucy like a football as he ran after Lia. Both girls were booming with laughter, and Jesse's smile stretched from ear to ear. God, she loved nothing more than hearing the girls laugh and be happy. It meant so much to her.

Though they hadn't talked much about Jesse's drunken profession of his love for her and the girls, nothing seemed to change between them. And she was thankful for that.

She stepped out onto the porch with a smile on her face then folded her arms across her chest for warmth as she made her way down the porch steps.

"What are you three doing?" She asked as she walked out into the yard.

"Hey," Jesse said quietly to the girls as he put Lucy down. "Let's get, Aunt Jo!"

"Yeah!" Lia shouted. "GET AUNT JO!"

The three of them turned their direction and dashed toward Jolie, who yelped and braced herself as Jesse reached her first, crouched like a football player. Gently, he grabbed her and pulled her to the ground, sending her into immediate fits of laughter. Lucy squealed with happiness as she flopped on top of Jolie and Jesse.

"Wait, me too!" Lia shouted as she leaped slightly into the air and tumbled on top of them.

"Dog pile!" Jesse yelled as Lucy rolled onto the ground, giggling.

The exhilaration had them all doubled over with laughter.

"Jesse, chase us again!" Lia requested as she stood to her feet.

"Oh, God," he breathed, clutching his chest. "I need to quit smoking so I can keep up with you two. You're too fast for me. You're like the fastest kids alive."

Lucy stood up as well, grabbing Jesse's hand in an attempt to help him up.

"Oh, thank you, sweet girl," he said as he took her hand and sat upright, acting like she helped pull him up.

As he stood to his feet, he turned to Jolie and held out a hand for her, which she happily took, and allowed him to help her to her feet. He turned his back to her and crouched down.

"Get on," he said, motioning for her to get on his back.

"No way," she refused as she pulled dry leaves from her hair. "I'm going to break your back."

Fix Me, Fix You: A Jesse Pinkman StoryWhere stories live. Discover now