Chapter Twenty-One

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"Why did you let me get so drunk on a Wednesday night?" Jolie laughed as she and Jesse slowly walked up the gravel driveway toward her house.

"Pfft," Jesse chortled as he lit a cigarette then blew out the first swirl of smoke. "Like anyone could've stopped Little Miss Queen of Dollar Shots Night."

A girlish giggle escaped Jolie lips. "Stop calling me that!"

"That's what the whole bar was calling you, babe," Jesse teased, throwing his arm around her shoulder.

"I'm too old to be drinking this much," Jolie groaned, resting her head against Jesse's shoulder as they stumbled, trying to walk together.

"A little," he admitted honestly. "You're gonna be a mom soon."

"That sounds soo weird," she pointed out as they walked between her house and her parents' house, where they would likely part for the night. "I had fun tonight though."

"Me too," he smiled at her sweetly, leaning against the side of her parents' garage, watching her light a cigarette as she stood in front of him.

Though he was feeling his fair share of intoxication, Jolie was probably twice as gone. Her stress level had been at an all-time high lately, dealing with all the adoption stuff and worrying about the upcoming holiday – the girls' first Christmas without their parents and her first without her brother – so Linda offered to keep the girls for a night so Jesse could take Jolie out for a little fun.

And her idea of a little fun was getting hammered in a small bar in downtown New Orleans then walking through the Celebration in the Oaks, which was a big event of intricate Christmas lights and Christmas decorations for families to walk through. They walked through together, hand in hand, mostly not saying much, just drunkenly absorbing the holiday spirit.

"I must be sobering up because I'm starting to get cold," Jolie joked, wiggling a little to warm herself up.

Jesse chuckled as he watched her, simply enthralled with her. He always was.

Visible fog from the winter air mixed with swirls of exhaled smoke as they each took long drags of the burning chemical sticks.

Numbness slowly trickled down her fingers from the frigid atmosphere, so she finished her cigarette quickly then tossed it out into the yard. Seeking his warmth, she moved closer to him, sliding her arms around him under his shirt and jacket and laying her head on his chest. He wrapped his free arm around her, and she snuggled into him for warmth.

The feeling of her icy fingertips gave him chills as she caressed his skin softly, along his back then his sides then his stomach. As her cold fingers tingled his warm skin, he flicked his cigarette out into the grass and blew out the last of his smoke. He rested his head back against the side of the garage, snaking his other arm around her to wrap her in a full embrace. His mind was hazy from the intoxication and relaxed from the nicotine, which had him reveling in her gentle touch. She was driving him crazy, but it never took much. She always could get his blood flowing with ease.

He leaned down, kissing her on the top of the head lovingly, lingering as he inhaled her berry shampoo scent.

"I want you," he mumbled into her hair. "Not just now, but always."

She smirked and looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. "Like you had me the other day? All on top the washing machine?"

"Not just like that," he said softly, realizing he didn't mean just sexually. "I want all of you. In every way."

Her face fell, finally understanding what he was saying.

"I'm a package deal now, Jesse," she warned, wanting to stress that their relationship included more than just the two of them being together.

Fix Me, Fix You: A Jesse Pinkman StoryWhere stories live. Discover now