Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Author's Note: I am SO SO SO sorry it has taken me so long to get this out! I've been sick and super busy and it's just taken me forever to find time to sit down and write. But thank you guys so much for all your reviews and messages! I appreciate it all so much! &*


"This is just...beautiful," Don Landry, a tall man around Coop's age with white hair and round glasses, commented as he stood back and observed the beech wood bookshelf Jesse had made for him. "Better than I imagined it!"

"Thank you, sir," Jesse replied earnestly, appreciative of the man's praise as they stood right outside the shop in the chilly early morning air. No stranger had ever complimented him like that before. "I'm glad you like it."

"No, thank you – I love it," Don restated then turned to face Coop, who was smiling, feeling proud of his employee. "Coop, this boy's damn good."

Sudden movement from Jolie's house grabbed Jesse's attention. He turned his head to the side, glancing over as she was coming out of her house carrying a coffee mug and dressed warmly. As she made her way down her porch steps, Jesse had a flashback of her writhing beneath him the night before.

He felt bad that he left before she woke up that morning, but he was afraid of her father catching him coming out of her house.

"I told you," Coop replied, nodding his head once. "He's a quick learner. Wasn't too sure about him at first, but he's proved his worth and then some."

As Jolie reached the bottom step, she glanced up and was met with Jesse's gaze. Her cheeks flushed as she began walking to her parents' house. She smiled sheepishly at him, also having a flashback from the night before of him grunting into her neck.

He smiled at her sheepish smile, knowing what was going through her head, as he recognized her sly smile from the time when they ate dinner across from each other after their rendezvous on her washing machine.

Though she was smiling externally, she was freaking out internally. She was honestly thankful that she had woken up alone that morning, as she was kicking herself for being such an easy target AGAIN. Merely days ago, she didn't even trust the guy, and all he had to do was bat his eyelashes, appear a little vulnerable, and she hopped right into bed with him.

It wasn't like she regretted it at all, but she wondered if she was absolutely mental, because half of her wanted to relive the night all over again and the other half wanted to throw on a chastity belt until she came to her senses. They had mended their relationship but only barely!

"He's taking over for you one day?" Don wondered, still eyeing the beautiful piece of carpentry.

Jesse's attention and gaze were brought back to the conversation once he heard Don's question.

Coop nodded. "I reckon he will." He winked at Jesse subtly.

Jesse couldn't help but smile in response. That was the first time Coop had mentioned anything about actually letting Jesse take over for him. He hadn't even wanted to give him much of a chance at first, and probably only did it out of pity, but Jesse was glad he was able to repay him by being a hard worker with good work ethic and natural talent. It was all paying off for both of them.

"I sure hope so. Help me load it into the back of the truck, will ya?" Don asked Jesse as he stood on one side of the bookshelf.

"Yes, sir," Jesse replied quickly as he went around to the other side and lifted his end of the piece.

Together, they carefully placed it into the back of Don's dark blue pick-up truck. Jesse helped him cushion the bookshelf with blankets then secure it with bungee cords.

Fix Me, Fix You: A Jesse Pinkman StoryWhere stories live. Discover now