1. Love Notes and Vanilla Cookies

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I woke up to a gentle snowfall, coating everything outside in an angelic white. Shivering, I pulled the heavy duvet cover up to my chin, snuggling deep into the warmth, savoring it, as I knew my alarm was going to ring any second. Before I could stop myself, I was dragged back into sleep.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Oh shut up, you stupid thing." I groaned, slamming my fist into the clock. I didn't quite manage to shut it off, but I did knock it with enough force to launch it halfway across my room. Reluctantly throwing the covers back, I swung my feet and stood up. Cold, pale hardwood creaked as I hobbled on it, retrieving my alarm clock. I picked it up and observed the damage. The glass was shattered, and the cord had seen better days. Great. Just great. I thought to myself as I slipped into a light pair of jeans and a navy, zip-up hoodie. Absently running a brush through my hair, I went downstairs to get breakfast.

"Madeline! Where are your manners? A beautiful girl like you should always be lady like!" I rolled my eyes, not sure if I should be flattered or offended.

"Sorry, Mom." I said, then shoved more cereal into my mouth and chewed loudly. I could just feel the annoyance radiating off of her, but I didn't care. She couldn't live through me.

A loud squealing noise came from the upstairs landing, and my kid brother Jayden flew into the kitchen.

"Crash landing!" He screamed, and fumbled into me and tipped over my chair. Brat! With a final glare, I got up, rearranged my hoodie, and grabbed my backpack for school.

Many unfamiliar faces walked past me at the bus stop as I tapped my foot impatiently. The snow was still falling, but it didn't bug me. It was so serene and beautiful, looking terribly out of place in the suburban neighbourhood. Cookie cutter homes were placed side-by-side, close enough to stick your hand out of the window and touch your neighbour. The Chester Estates used to be a giant forest, but due to a recent population boom, it had to be taken down and replaced with houses. It was depressing. Sudden hands on my shoulders shook me from my thoughts. I spun around quickly, my over-reactive imagination kicking into overdrive. A murderer? A molester? What about an angry God seller, or a rapist? Nope, it was just Fallon.

"Hey Mads. Didn't scare you, did I?" He smirked, shaking his wavy blonde hair out of his eyes.

I poked him in the ribs.

"You did, actually! Jerk..."

"Hey! It's not my fault you were lost in Maddie Land," he ruffled my hair. "Day dreamer."

"I am not!" I scoffed, trying to be angry. A smiled shattered my already-weak façade. It was impossible to be mad at Fallon, with his puppy dog eyes and floppy hair. We've been best friends for as long as I remember, and never once had we ever had feelings other than friendship for each other. It would be like dating your brother.

We just stood there, waiting in a happy silence. Fallon started to shiver, and I laughed genuinely.

"Are you cold, little baby?" I stuck out my bottom lip, angling my body in his direction.

He snorted, but didn't say anything. Then he shivered once more.

"I'm not cold, Madeline!"

"Right," I dragged out each letter for emphasis. Fallon punched my arm in a playful manner.

The bus finally pulled up to the stop, the tires covered in melting slush. Fallon and I climbed up the steps and sat down in our spots. With a lurch and a squeal, we were off.

∆ ∆ ∆

By third period, I was already thinking about the easiest way to kill Angela DeGroso.

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