Mommy's Killing Spree

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Menma's pov

I woke up in the middle of the night cause I wanted some water. And because I heard a loud bang and I bet every one is down stairs.

I got out of bed and hit my cold floor face forwards. Cause I got one leg stuck in the covers. In 1 more day Halloween is here.

I walked down stairs seeing Neko and dad in the kitchen staring at something.

I looked over there shoulder or should I say I looked over Neko's and it was a cute adorable................MOM!!!.

When she turned around we saw 2 dead red bloody eyes that reached my soul.

"Daddy why is mommy eyes red"Neko said while holding my hand.

"Shit not now"Sasuke said bending down to our mom.

"What do you mean 'not now' what's wrong with mom" I said in a worried and scared tone.

"Nightmare it is what I call him on Halloween, Halloween is death day for people"Sasuke said in a smooth tone.

"When he put on a costume or no costume your mother will go wild soon as she grab that knife out of the dishwasher all hell breaks"Sasuke added.

"So your telling me mom is going on a killing spree and there is nothing to do about when does it end"I asked not wanting mom to get caught and go to jail for life.

"It ends on the first today is the 30th and tomorrow is the 31st so it ends after Halloween"Sasuke said trying to comprehend with them.

"So what will happen if she get caught"I asked worried.

"Trust me I don't like this either but his sister's are coming in 3........2.......1" dad counted down.

"WHERE IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS HE" Naruko and Miku rushed in and had our cousins.

They ran to the kitchen but fall back when they was to close to mom looked at her the only thing I am scared about is Mom going to jail.

Then I saw Neko hugging mom like there is no tomorrow "Mommy be save we can't lose you again not anymore please"Neko pleaded.

"Sorry I cause rouble to you Neko but my birthday is on November 31st the doctor said it himself I will not be normal" My mom said her birthday is in Halloween and the doctors said it himself I will not be normal.

After she said that Neko Naruko Miku and our cousins stared at the dull and useless body of my mom dad didn't want to see her like this.


Neko's POV

No no no no no no not today please. My mommy out alone killing I am going insane mommy be safe I love you and nothing will change that.

I ran down stairs seeing mommy with knife and chainsaw. But the best part of mommy killing is that she bring a surprise back.

So I bet your wondering why did I say that it is because I am a Neko and a vampire my brother is a werewolf like dad.

Us Neko's love to eat flesh and drink blood from people but knowing mom she make the worst human good too eat.


KO:So Naruto ends up with Sasuke.

Everyone except Sakura:YEP!!!

Miku:Give up KO he doesn't love you.


Garra:Dude his future is playing in your damn face.



In the Neko world

Naruto's pov

My birthday and death day but ha I won't get caught unless someone sees me and them I am dead.

I got a knife out the kitchen and walked back to the living room. I then saw Neko walk downstairs.

I can see that she was worried and happy I love her more than my own sister's.

"Good luck mommy and happy birthday"Neko said leaning in and kissed my cheek "But promise me you won't get caught and go to jail for life"she added.

"I promise with my life"I said when I said it she hugged me "Don't break it"she said crying.

"I will never break my promise"I said confronting her.

In the sound village

"Hehehe my birthday is going to be DEADLY"Naruto said demonicly.

He began walking creepy in the night until he found 4 people talking. He than look around to see if anyone was around. Then he when in for the kill blood slashed his clothes and face.

After he hid the nonliving body's she change into Keko she than found 6 good looking guys she walked too them she was acting all nice and loving.

She still have blood on her clothes but the boys thought it was paint none of them couldn't stop looking at her huge breast. Then Keko bashed all there brains in with a metal bat.

She then hid them with the girls. After that she draged all the nonliving body's to the sand village.

To the sand village

She killed everyone except Temaria and her brother. They knew about his condition so they helped him. He than draged every body and went to the leaf village.

To the leaf village

Naruto was turning into a manic he had a creepy smirk walking slowly and he is covered in blood it was 4:59 he only had 3 hours and 27 minutes.

Hours later

He kill 62 people in all and he 8 minutes left so he used that time to bury the body and leave two people out a girl and a boy he carried them to the house and he didn't get caught. His eyes turned back to the ocean blue.

He walked through the door and found everyone stare and when they saw the body's they ran to them cut them open and started eating.

"BEST HALLOWEEN EVER"everyone said munching on the fleash and raw meat.

"Thanks Mom/mommy/Naruto-Kun/babe and Happy birthday"everyone said.

"Your welcome"Naruto said

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