There Back

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It was 3 whole years Naruto left and killed me. But I am back with my brother's and we're taking them back. If someone gets in our way we will murder them.

"Okay dude we been stalking there house each night how in the actual fuck were getting in there."Cam'ron said

"Yeah we are not going to get killed by your manic ex"Jackson said looking at the house.

"Don't you call him that do you hear me"I yelled at them."Plus he's not even strong soo"I added.

"Um yes the fuck he is on Halloween people died cause of a manic with yellow-ish hair"Jason said in a annoyed tone.

"But that can be any"I said annoyed by the questions.

"Let's just get in the damn house already"Jason said walking to a window.

When we got in the house. It was silent no one is up I saw Jason Cam'ron walking in the living room to find there's. But something was off there were kids by them. We wonder who kids are they. Can they be babysitting or something?

I went upstairs to and opened every door excpt one, I walked to the door. It was locked I picked the lock and opened it to see a blond hair boy. looking cute as ever. But when I got closer I seen 2 others a black haired boy and a blonde with dark lines through them. I looked closer to see they have any thing else on them but nothing.

I just looked at them for hours and hours. Until I saw them come in I looked at them. They started walking up too me.

"So is he dead"Cam'ron whispered in my ear.

No you idiot there just sleep I found these two behind him."I whispered so they can hear me.

Then a blue eyed girl started to move and say something like"Move Menma" she started to kick him.

"If you stop taking the cover I will be fine so freak off"The dark haired boy stated.

"You have one second to go to sleep don't you do this."MY Naruto said going back to sleep.

My brother's left me hear so I watched him till he wakes up. But I feel asleep in a corner.

Menma's pov

I wanted to wake up first so I can give mom her gift. Sense I didn't give it to her on her birthday. I started to wake up and accidentally fell over my own foot.

I held on to the nightstand so I won't fall and bust my head wide open. And also wake up mom and Neko.

But I felt some new presents here.... strong chakra I looked everywhere I didn't have dad Sharingan sense Neko has them as her eye color. I saw a red-ish color hair and slowly walking to it. In my right hand I had my baseball bat,well my mom's baseball bat. This is what is use to kill people with.

I stopped when my mom started to wake up. She saw me with the bat and told me put the bat down so I don't get hurt.

But I told her there was a intruder in your room. So she walked up to it and all I heard was a gasped.

Neko was reaching for something.i think it is mom I hurried and put a pillow in-between her arms.

She started hugging it tight I feel so sorry for that pillow.

But when I turned around I saw mom...........

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