41. No, No, No and Hell No

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Let's fast froward from that eventful ass night. We are now in the month of October. Tuesday the 9th to be exact. Time is flying by and before we know it, our asses are gonna graduate. Ant and I's relationship is great. I honestly thought it wouldn't last or that we would have a lot of issues because we started dating right away or because I was living with him but everything has been amazing. The family has been amazing and crazy and funny and hectic but it just works for us. On another note, my 18th birthday is next week and I don't want to do anything for it as usual. I was never the type for parties or gifts and all that other shit. My parents "other" children always got a party but I always just wanted a cake and my peace. It doesn't take much to please me or to make me happy so now that I'm finally some place where everyday is pretty much a fun day, I just want to spend my day with the people who make me happy.

"Guess who's birthday is coming up?" yelled Jax waking me up from out of my peaceful and nice sleep.

"I'm bout ready to choke you," I said to her. 

"Oh shut yo ass up. It's time for us to get ready for school anyways," she said.

"Bitch I know that. I still got 5 minutes left on my alarm so I'll wake up in 5 minutes."

"Stop being like that and I see you didn't say nothing about your birthday," said Jax.

"Cause ain't shit to talk about girl," I mumbled from under the covers.

"Watch your mouth little girl," said Jackie's big ass waddling into the room. "And what's this I hear about a birthday."

"Nothing. Nothing at all," I said quickly hopping out the bed to try and make it to the bathroom.

"Nope. Uh uh. Bring your ass back here little girl. Your birthday is coming up?" Jackie asked me.

"No," I told her. She just looked at me. I know that look all too well now.

"Stasi and Anthony, come in here please!" she yelled out. I sighed and rolled my eyes. She popped my forehead.

"Ouch!" I said.

"Roll em again girl," she scolded.

"Yes babe," said Stasi.

"Wassup mom," said Ant.

"When is Karma's birthday?" she asked them.

"Uhhhh. Ummmm I actually don't know," said Ant. "I know that sounds bad but we just never brought it up."

"When is her birthday actually?" asked Stasi.

"Next Wednesday on the 17th," said Jax quickly moving away from me because she knew my ass was gonna hit her. I glared at her. Just telling everybody my damn business. I don't even know how she knew. Awwww shit. I forgot at one point she was fucking with the people I shared a womb with.

"Is that true babe?" asked Ant.

"Maybe," I said.

"Yes! We have a party to plan!" exclaimed Stasi.

"No, you really don't," I said while fixing the bed.

"How you gonna tell us what we can and can't do," said Jackie.

"Because I don't want a party or gifts or none of that extra stuff. I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was about 9 years old. It just never excited me. Some cake and ice cream and I will be happy," I told them honestly.

"You only turn 18 once so we are gonna do something special for you," said Jackie. Now these people are telling me what to do for my birthday. Maybe going back to my parents isn't so bad...... nah! I'll take my chances.

"Did somebody say that we're throwing a party?" asked Josh's loud ass. Next thing you know we hear a pop, and Ebony walked into the room.

"It is too early for your ass to be so damn loud," she said to him.

"Hit me again and watch I send you into an early labor," said Josh. I silently snickered in the background. Ebony glared at me and I quickly shut up. Pregnant women are a different kind of scary man. Just run whenever you see one near by.

"But why are we having a party again?" asked Eb.

"Other than the fact that I get to show off my dancing skills why are you guys having a party?" Josh asked.

"For no damn apparent reason," I mumbled under my breath.


"OWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!" I whined out. "That one really hurt." Jackie popped the shit outta my arm.

"You have the mouth of a sailor," said Stasi trying her hardest not to laugh at the situation at hand.

"I know. That's one of the main reasons why I always got in trouble. I don't know where it came from or who I picked it up from but my "family" said my first word was a cuss word."

"I bet," said Ebony laughing too.

"Hahaha real funny," I mocked at her.

"We are getting off topic here. Why are we planning a party again?" Josh asked once again.

"Karma's turning 18 next week" said Ant. Now I wanna punch him too. I was hoping they would just drop the shit already.

"What?!!?" exclaimed Eb. "Why didn't you say something sooner. We have so much to do ladies."

"Right! I thought we were besties," said Josh.

"I don't wanna discuss this anymore. I have to get ready for school so I'll be in the bathroom," I said while leaving the room.

"We are not done talking about this," said Josh.

"Yeah ok," I whispered.

"I still heard that," he yelled. How the fuck he hear that shit? Ole sonic ears having ass. I hopped in the shower and purposely took my sweet time so that I could avoid breakfast and just go straight to school.

"I know what you doing in there. You better hurry your ass up and get out here," Ebony said from behind the door. I thought having two parents was bad enough but 4?!!?!?!?! Take me now Jesus. I finished up and got out. I dried off and did my womanly duties. I untwisted my hair and let it flow in some nice big waves. I went in the room and saw that Jax picked out an outfit for me. For the last couple of weeks she's been choosing my attire because she says I still dress like a guy sometimes. Ant hasn't complained about it so I'll keep doing what I'm doing. I picked out some ripped jeans with my Lilo and Stitch crop top, my leather jacket and my velvet blue  Air Jordan 11s.

I got dressed and grabbed my supplies for the day and headed downstairs. Before I even reached the last step Ant's ass just had to say something.

"Jax!!!! She switched it out again." "Sorry babe but sometimes you gotta look better than me not exactly like me," he said while kissing me on my forehead.

"See. I told you," said Jax with Eb following behind her.

"Go change now. We did not pick out that fit for you to not wear it," said Ebony. "And you got five minutes to do so."

"I really am not up for it today guys. I just want to get this day over with and come back to go to sleep. I just want to be left alone. Please." They gave each other a strange look. I'll figure out what it's supposed to mean later but for now I just want to eat.

"Ok," they both said and walked back into the kitchen. Ok, now I know something is up because they NEVER give up so easily. What the hell did I get myself into now?

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