31. New Me

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The weekend seemed to go by quicker than I expected. Today was Monday and back to school I go. I got up and got ready for school. I took a shower, did my hygiene, and plugged up my flat iron so that I could straighten out my hair. I picked out an IDFWU crop top with my cut out boyfriend jeans, and my flame retro Vans. After I had gotten dressed I went back into the bathroom to finish my hair. After 15 minutes, I was done and doing my finishing touches. I grabbed my supplies and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I decided on some cereal and a banana. I heard my grandmother coming down the stairs so I quickly put in my headphones and blasted my music so I couldn't hear what she was saying. I was just eating my cereal but I could feel my grandma staring a sink hole in the back of my damn head. Another 10 minutes went by before she ripped my headphones out of my ears.

"Those were not cheap, and now I have to buy another pair," I said to her annoyed.

"Lower down your voice," she said. "I thought your parents took all your electronics from y'all, and how you getting to school today?"

"This isn't mine and the bus like always," I told her. I don't know why she acts like this is something new. I didn't feel like answering anymore of her dumb ass questions so I hurriedly cleaned my bowl and headed outside so I could go to the bus stop. I sat down at the stop for about 5 minutes before Ant finally pulled up. He got out of the car and came around to the passenger side so he could open my door for me. He walked back to his side and hopped in.

"Hey boo," I said.

"Hey love," Ant said. He gave me a quick kiss and pulled off. The car ride to the school was silent but a comfortable silence. We held hands as Ant drove. About 15 minutes later we were pulling into the parking lot. Ant found a spot right in front of the double doors and parked. He took the keys out of the ignition and looked over at me.

"You ready babe?" Ant asked curiously.

"Nope but I don't have a choice. I hate it here but a real nigga such as myself has got to graduate," I said.

"It's too early for your stupidity" he said.

"That's not even a word," I said back smartly while sticking out my tongue. He just shook his head at me. He got out and grabbed his bag and came over to my side to let me out. He locked up his car and grabbed my hand. He gave me another kiss reassuring me that everything would be cool.

"Look at all these nosy ass motherfuckers staring at us and shit," said Ant. "Can we get our damn faces back!!" Everybody turned and looked away. I busted out laughing cause this nigga is so damn extra.

"What you laughing at? Don't make me get on yo ass early this morning," he said.

"Boy shut yo dumb ass up," I said back to him while pushing him off me.

"Bring that ass here girl. Pushing away from me and shit. You know you want all this goodness." We are the goofiest couple. I can't even take this boy seriously.

"Ya'll are too cute," said Jax. "I like this look."

"Why thank you, my kind madam," said Ant.

"We are not cute, we are sexy and delicious," I said to Jax.

"You better tell her baby," said Ant. He gave me a kiss and hugged me from behind. We were getting ready to walk into the school when all of a sudden we heard, "What the fuck is going on here?" I didn't even turn around and I was already highly fucking annoyed. This nigga Aiden clearly said we both are gonna do us but here he goes tripping early this morning.

"Back up with all that bruh," said Ant. Ohhh the way he just got all aggressive. Lord knows that daddy could get it right here, right now!

"You don't want this smoke," said Aiden. "Plus, I wasn't talking to yo punk ass."

"Baby, you better get him before I kill him," said Ant.

"Shit, fuck him. You can kill this pussy," I thought. Ant just looked down at me and smirked.

"What?" I asked him.

"So you a freak freak huh? You want me to kill that pussy? I bet it's wet right now too," he whispered in my ear as he grabbed my ass and kissed my neck. I could've sworn I said that shit in my mind. Oh well.

"Ummmmmmm," I just mumbled as I didn't know what to say.

"So now you wanna act brand new like you don't see me standing right here Karma," said Aiden with his annoying ass.

"That's exactly what I'm finna do because you starting to piss me and my man off," I told him.

"So now you with this nigga?" he asked.

"Nah. I'm with him," I shot back sarcastically.

"So I guess what everybody says about you is true. How you a hoe and all. You just met this nigga and I bet you already done gave up the pussy too huh? All you are is an easy girl and I'm glad I didn't get--"

Aiden didn't even get to finish before Ant handed his ass a two piece combo with the biscuit. Aiden fell back and realized that Ant punked his ass and he tackled him. They both fell onto the ground and started fighting and they quickly started drawing a crowd in front of the school. They both got up from the ground and Aiden was about to hit Ant again before I kicked him where the sun don't shine and I punched him in his face. He fell down on the ground clutching his precious pearls.

"Next time you wanna come for us bitch, think again cause we went easy on you this time," said Ant. He grabbed my hand and we quickly made our way into the school.

"You know we finna get in trouble again right?" Ant asked.

"Bruh," I dragged out. "My ass still hurts from the last ass whooping."

"You'll live babe," said Ant laughing. "But at least we'll be in pain together."

"You are so corny," I said laughing. He gave me a kiss and we walked into first period. The late bell rung and the twins walked in with Jax.

"So ya'll tag teaming niggas now," she stated.

"We have no clue what you are talking about," said Ant while writing down the notes off of the board.

"Smart ass," Jax said with a chuckle.

"Why your brothers look like they tryna kick my ass babe? I can hold my own but I'm not ready to get jumped," Ant said. I busted out laughing.

"Miss Karma is there something you would like to share with the rest of the class?" our teacher asked.

"Sorry for my disturbance" Mrs. D.

"Mhhh," she said.

"I love you too Mrs. D," I said with my puppy eyes. The class started laughing and Mrs. D just shook her head with a smile on her face.

"Get back to work," she said to us. She knows she loves her some me. All my teachers love me cause I'm not a dickhead like some of these other kids, and I'm the best student in all of my classes. Nobody even knows that I'm gonna be our class Valedictorian and that I have a 5.0 GPA. Not even my family knows.

"See ever since I've gotten with you, trouble just follows me. I'm finna beat your ass next," I said to Ant.

"That's fine. Sometimes you gotta take a ride on the wild side baby," said Ant with a wink. This boy is really a trip.

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