Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Have a good first day Prim," I say as she gets out of the car.

"I will, bye Katniss!" She says.

I wave, and Gale drives next door to the high school and parks the car. I thank him for the drive and get out, he catches up next to me.

"You don't have to thank me, I've been driving you around all summer and you thank me every time." He says.

"Okay, whatever." I say.

"Excited?" He asks.

"About school? When am I ever excited about school?" I ask, somewhat annoyed.

He shrugs, "Just making conversation,"

"Gale you don't have to 'make conversation' you can just talk to me if you want." I say.

He doesn't say anything, but I feel like there's something he wants to say.

"Whose your first class?" He asks.

"Mr. Abernathy, the drunken teacher who fails the kids he hates and passes the one he loves." I say.

"He's the math teacher right?" Gale asks, I nod. "Yeah, I'm lucky I didn't get him. I have Ms. Portia for math."

"I heard she's good, just a little strict."

"Yeah, same here."

"Who do you have for English?"

"Um, I have Mr. Crane, I think."

"Oh, me too." Great, another class with Gale who just distracts me the whole time.

He's my friend, I guess. But he knows I try in school and all he does is keep me off task, it's like he knows I can do good in school and he can't so he just tries to hold me back with him.

"Looks like I got a partner for every project then." He says smugly.

"Gale, you aren't the best partner though, you never do a thing." I say. Where did that courage come from?

"Oh come on, I help sometimes."

"Gale last time you checked out a library book and handed it to me, and said 'I got this for you to do our project with'. Sorry, I'm your friend and all, but from now on when it comes to school work, take me out of your plans."

"Where did this come from?" He asks. "You've never been a stick in the mud like this before."

"Gale just stop. You know what I want for myself and with you holding me back like this I'll never be able to achieve it."

He doesn't say anything, he just walks away. Good, I'm fed up with him.

I walk to my first class, sitting there are what I like to call the Careers. Cato, Clove, Marvel, Glimmer, Gloss, and Cashmere. But there's someone new to their little group of rich snobs. Someone who used to be my friend, but we stopped hanging out a long time ago.

Peeta Mellark.


Peeta doesn't look much different. His curly blonde locks are still the same length, his blue eyes still shine, he's only gotten stronger.

Why am I describing him like this?

Whatever, he hangs out with them now, and I'm not getting involved with that group. They've always done stupidly bad things, things that a normal person, like myself, would get in trouble for. The reason they don't get in trouble is pretty easy to see, pretty unfair as well. They don't get in to trouble because they have money. And lots of it. They're mommies and daddies pay whatever expense they need to in order to bail them out. They break something in a store, mommy and daddy pays for it, they steal, same thing, they graffiti, same thing. They're just stupid and no one cares. Because if you have money, you can get away with murder.

That's why I've never done anything like that, well, okay, I have stolen before. But never a stellito pair of heels, or a chanel purse, like those girls. But food. Food to feed my sister's mouth when my mother wasn't working. That's how Peeta became my friend, he used to give me free bread, and I even had feelings for him that may have been stronger than friendship. But he knows I wouldn't ever hang out with them. If he was with other people, it could be different. But I'm not going near them. I've never been like them, and I never will be.

He waves to me, but I don't respond, I sit near a group of people, one with sea green eyes and bronze wavy hair, did I mention he's ridiculously strong? His arm is protectively around a girl, her wavy brown hair sprawled around him, her matching eyes shining like his. Rolling her eyes at the couple is a girl with shoulder length black hair and red hilights. When I say red, I don't mean the natural hair color, I mean red, as in the crayola marker. There's also a girl with natural red hair, and light blue eyes, a boy with dark skin, tall and strongly built, brown eyes. They all sit and talk together, they look like good friends, the kind of friends I might get along with.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask, pointing to the seat near the girl with black hair and red highlights.

"Depends, what's your name?" She asks.

"Katniss, Katniss Everdeen." I say.

"I'm Johanna Mason," Johanna says.

"Nice to meet you,"

"I'm Finnick Odair," Says the sea green eyed boy.

"I'm Annie," His girlfriend says.


"I'm Finch, but my nickname has been Foxface for as long as I can remember." The red-headed one says.

"I've seen you around before." Johanna says, "Always thought about asking you to hang out."

"Really?" I ask, she nods. "Well, mind if I hang out with you guys now?"

"Nope, take the seat before someone beats you to it." She smirks.

I listen, and sit next to her. They seem nice.

Mr. Abernathy stumbles in, literally, stumbles. A flask peeking from his jacket's pocket and he looks like a hot-mess.

He has shaggy light brown hair, a tie tied incorrectly, baggy pants and a blank look in his eyes. And may I add; Absolutely drunk.

"Hey Mr. Abernathy," Says Finnick.

"What do you want?" He slurs.

"This is the wrong class, you see, you're in the room downstairs on the far left."

"Not again," He says in defeat, mumbling things only he can hear. Then he leaves.

"I think we have some more time to get to know you, Kat." Finnick says, grinning and turns to me.

They seem like good people, I just hope they're better friends than Gale. I hope I can trust them.

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