Chapter Two

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Blue's P.O.V

We were having another meeting, This time i think it was about Error, i wasn't really paying attention, I was only focusing on Dream... No one noticed though, that's good. I don't even know why we have these meetings, or why they invite me for that matter, but at least i get to see Dream, i rarely see him anymore, He was suddenly so busy, neither me or Ink know what he is up too, Suddenly everyone stood up. huh, apparently the meeting ended. "Hey! Blue!" I heard Dream shout to me, Dream wants to talk to me? I run over too him, even though he is only on the other side of room. "what is it Dream?" I ask him, Ink was beside me, Seeming to know what he wanted us for, "huh, well... you see i, i wanted to tell you that..." He murmured something else, but we both couldn't hear what he said, "What did you say Dream? You know we wont judge you for anything" Ink encouraged Dream, "well... you know how i've been so busy?" He hesitantly started, We nodded, "Well, i might of been hanging out with my.... boyfriend" He said, My heart dropped, i didn't focus on what Inks Reply was, He was happy though, "Blue..? whats wrong?" Dream asked me worryingly, oh no, i need to cover this up. i made a sad face, "DREAMMMM WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!? WHO IS IT?!" i shouted 'happily' shaking him while doing so, acting as my hyperactive persona. "i'm sorry Blue! please stop shaking me... i think i'm going to be sick..." I instantly stopped shaking him, i didn't want to make him feel bad... "oh no! are you okay!?" i ask him, "yes i'm fine!" He smiled, seeming to be happy that he got it off his chest, "Anyway Dream, who is he?" Ink asked Dream, smiling. He takes a few seconds, " It's Cross".

Time skip

As soon as i got home i trapped myself in my Room, Papyrus was worried, Really worried.He kept knocking on my door, after around 2 hours he left, finally, He was annoying. I can't believe it, He has a Boyfriend, Cross of all people, I remember what Dream told me,

'why do you like him?' I asked in a non-suspicious way, 'Why? well, He's Strong and Mysterious, but also really kind! He is Handsome and always makes me laugh. He has an amazing personality and his smile seems to make me happier and i can just seem to tell him anything' He replies dreamily, it took all my will-power to hold myself together, why? why aren't i good enough?

If only Cross would disappear... then i could have Dream all to myself, Wait... disappear. I could make him disappear. heheehe.... Just wait Dreamy, soon you'll LOVE me.

Ink sans P.O.V

It seems that this story is taking a bad turn, Blue... I hope this one ends quickly, I don't think Error Is going to be around much, He doesn't like these kind of stories, especially with Blue, He cares about him, and it's not nice seeing versions of your Friends do these kind of things... i wonder when it's going to start... He will probably start with Cross. maybe i'll just keep to myself this time.

Time skip

Blue's P.O.V

Dream wanted us to meet him, Cross i mean. This will be a perfect chance to start. He should be here anytime now,

knock knock

I rush down stairs, Papy was asleep on the couch, He was a deep sleeper, so i didn't need to worry about waking him up. I open the door to see Ink and Dream "Hello Ink! Hello Dream! are we going now?" I ask them, already knowing the answer, "yes! we just need to pick up Cross! I told him i wanted him to meet you two, but he doesn't know what we are doing, i think he will enjoy your Idea Blue!" Dream smiles at me, "Yay! i want to make a good first impression! I know he will love my company!" I shout, my eyes glowing with Determination "Yes he will Blue, lets get going!" Ink replies, He makes a portal and we all go through it.

We arrive at the location Cross was at, it was The forest in snowdin, in the AU Save!Tale, We walk through the Forest until we get to a empty spot in it, where we see Cross standing there, waiting for us, Dream jumps at him giving him a hug "Cross! i'm glad you made it!" Dream smiles a blush forming onto his Cheeks, the sight makes my blood boil, But i manage to stay calm "HELLO! My name is Blue!! you must be Cross! i'm glad you have the pleasure of meeting me!" I shout making a pose, He laughs, still holding onto Dream. Both their and my actions make me feel sick. "anyway! lets go!" Ink exclaims.

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