Chapter Seven

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Error's P.O.V

I was destroying another AU, It was a copy of Underfell. Ink hadn't stopped me for a few AU's now, so i wasn't expecting him to appear, He was with multiple sans' all looking grim. It seemed like they expected they were going to die. They were wrong, Since they were all originals of AU's, I couldn't kill them, that would mess up the balance, and i would also get a handful from Fate, which is never nice. "HeLLo Inky, I SeE YoU BroUGHt frIENDs tHIS TIme" I casually greet him, like we weren't going to fight in a few seconds. He kept his cold stare, getting out his paintbrush, "Everyone! now!" And then they all charged forward.

Dodging was easy, I didn't bother attacking them, i already used a lot of my magic from destroying AU's, It's not like i can run out of magic, But it does get very uncomfortable. Most of them seemed to be agitated, probably getting frustrated from missing me, Ink's glare only got harder, which surprised me, but not enough to affect my dodging, i didn't think it could get colder.

No one seemed to question why i wasn't attacking them. They were too focused on trying to hit me, suddenly, a golden arrow barely missed me, it surprised me so much that it gave Ink enough time to attack me, He used his Purple paint and effectively trapped me with chains. They were too weak to actually trap me, but i wanted to amuse him. His face seemed to light up because it 'worked', I kept back a laugh.

I was roughly thrown into a portal by Underfell sans. It hurt, but i was used to being in pain so it didn't affect me. Dream started to scold Fell for it, because it isn't like he has done worse, not at all. Ink was grinning, standing proudly. i couldn't wait for his reaction, the thought made me smile, Dream gave me a questioning look, but a glare made him run off over to Ink.

They tied me to a chair, it wasn't that tight, they probably thought that i was already unable too move. I wonder what they will do next. I was in the middle of the room, there was another room for probably fifty sans' to come him here and not be squished. Ink left for awhile, leaving Blue to make sure i woldn't excape some how, Once Ink fully left, Blue made a concerned face and ran over to me, "oh my toriel Error! are you okay? let me get you out!" He frantically said, i shake my head, "BlUe dOn't DO thAT, iF I wanTed TOo i CouLD Of eSCapeD THe moMenT THEy tRAppED Me" He paused, looking at me. He gave me a look, "Error! you worried me! you rally want to mess with Ink so bad?" He made an exasperated sigh, I gave him a child-like grin, He made a pout, "okay Error! this is the last time i worry about you!" He stomped his feet childishly.

After awhile, Ink came back, Blue had already calmed down, and was looking at me wearily, he was a good actor when he wants to be. Ink had returned with ten other sans' ...

great, interrogation.

"As you know! we have finally captured Error!" Ink said proudly. I could barely hold in my laughter, but i managed. I look over to Blue, He looked like he was about to die from laughter, no one seemed to notice him, since he was at the back of the room. "We are all going to ask him one question each, as you have asked me, and if he doesn't answer..." Ink pulled out a black thing, i didn't know what it was, so i was weary of it. "I will use this to shock him!" He said rather happily.

Outer tale was first.

"is your name really Error?" He asked me, He didn't seem to scared, more curious. "no" I quietly replied, It caused a few murmurs in the group.

Science tale went next.

"Why are you called Error then?" He asked me, i found it as quite a waste of a question, I mean, look at my appearance, none the less, i answered, " Ink started to call me that" I said quietly, looking right at him, he shyly walked away, frightened by my stare.

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