Kinda Important! (A/N)

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Hello! So, last chapter i asked you all if you wanted a ship in this story, and if so, Who with who.

And as a answer i got a lot of people asking for a Poly relationship. So, i have decided that i will do a Poly relationship, of your choosing of the following below,

Here you go;

Error x Ink x Nightmare,

Error x Ink x Death,

Error x Nightmare x Death,

Error x Dream x Ink,

Error x Dream x Nightmare.

I don't want to make the list to long, it would get confusing, so here are the options. I feel like one of the ships with Nightmare would be most fitting for this story, since they were really close, but that is just my opinion, and shouldn't affect your decision. The ship wont be a main part of the story, and wont come in until later into the story, mattering on the ship you choose, and will be a slow-burn relationship (where it takes awhile for it to happen, a long duration between the start and finish) especially since it would be a  Poly-relationship.

If you choose a ship, lets say, Dream and Nightmare, It wont happen until near the end of the story, because they are dead at this moment. But if you choose, lets say, Ink and Dream, It will happen sooner because Ink is still living and breathing. But it wont be to much of a difference, maybe a few chapters at max.

There is a reason why there is no Error x Dream x Death, it is because Death (Reaper sans. It is because of a few reasons, One of them is that i feel like they just wouldn't like each other in that sense, and another reason, (the main one) Is because of Deaths Touch, If he touches someone, they die, most of us know that. but in my head, (this is not canon), is that Death can't kill Error, Ink or Nightmare with his touch alone, For Error is that Fate wont let him die, along with being a more powerful god, makes him immune to his touch of death, For Ink is that he is also a more powerful God, and that he helped/created in making ReaperTale, so he would not be affected by deaths touch, since he 'created' Death. For Nightmare, is that being the king of Nightmares, Has a lot of Negative energy, probably more than what Deaths touch has, making him stronger than the touch, thus making him immune. It is also because He, along with Killer, Horror, Dust, Cross, Lust and Error, have all be touched by Destiny, making them stronger in a sense. Of course, this isn't enough on it's own to out do Deaths Touch, but along with his Higher and more powerful negative energy, It all adds up to him being immune to it.

Dream however, is not Destiny or Fate touched, He has high positive energy, Making him weaker than most to Deaths touch, making it even more dangerous (if it is possible) for him to touch Death, or even be close to him, that is why i didn't do a Error x Dream x Death Poly-ship.

I think that's all I've got for this small A/N, The next chapter should be out between Thursday to Saturday.

but i will have a little 'crack' chapter with little mini chapters, so look out for that, anyway,



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