Chapter Eight

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I was fighting Ink, Both of us were fighting halfheartedly, not really wanting to hurt each other. We still had to do things like this every once in while, we were still technically Enemies in most Multiverses. Ink gave me a weak glare, "Error! Today will be your end, or whatever" He Shouted, whispering the last part, Dream, Blue, Outer and Fell all cheered, being the only sans' who came with Ink this time. "YoU Can TrY, cREatOR!" i Spat out, He got out his paintbrush, "Attack!".

Bones, Gaster blasters and more were sent flying at me, i wasn't a problem though. I swiftly dodge all of the attacks, They all seemed to have annoyed faces, except Ink, who was just trying to hide his grin. They all seemed to get tired, but they didn't stop, i guess they were determined to 'stop' me.

The fight carried on smoothly, We all fought, throwing attacks back and forth, and dodging them, While i avoided one of Fells Gaster blasters, Ink wacked me with his paintbrush, i started to feel dizzy, i heard Ink mutter a harsh string of swear words, and then i fell over, Damn what is that thing made of?

then it all went dark. . .

I woke up in darkness, i felt like i was floating, but i could still walk perfectly fine. "Error..." I heard a motherly sounding voice say, I looked around and saw nothing,"Error...!" I heard it again, louder. It came from behind me, and seeing as i had nothing better to do, i followed the voice.

I was walking for who knows how long, but i still followed the voice, "Error!" The voice was slowly getting louder, i wasn't sure if it was because i was getting closer, or they were shouting louder.

I feel like I've been walking for days, there was no way to tell, the voice never seemed to stop, and i never seemed to get tired, "ERROR!" i Heard it again, even louder than before, I started to run for the voice, I felt my feet hit nothing as i ran faster than i ever had before. The voice was familiar for some reason, now that i got closer to it, It felt important, i felt as though i HAD to get there.

I suddenly saw light, a warm glow, it seemed as the voice was coming from there, i ran for it. I had to close my eyes. The closer i got, the brighter it got, and then i was right in front of it. I walked into it, and it all went white.

"W-whHAT?" i asked myself, i was in a white void, similar to the Anti-void, but i knew it wasn't, instead of the Anti-voids coldness and loneliness, along with the never ending shouting, It was warm and inviting, It gave of the feel that the doodle-sphere would, but not so much that it made me want to run away and hide. "H-hELlo? anYONe thERe?" I asked into the nothingness, Then suddenly, a woman, or rather, a glowing figure in the shape of a woman appeared. "HeLLo? WHo arE You? wHerE AM i?" i asked the figure, She chuckled, "oh Error... i am so glad i can finally see you... you may call me Destiny" She replied sweetly, "Don't you remember me?" She asked, i was about to say no when i remembered something.

The world around us faded into nothingness, i felt Ink behind me slowly go limp. I felt my consciousness fade when suddenly i felt a set of warm arms hold me and Ink together closely, "oh Error... I am so proud of you..." The unknown figure said, i was to weak to reply, "Don't worry my child... You and your friend here will find happiness soon enough, just please be patient for me..." They said, the world started to go dark, "And error...


"Y-yOU... yOUr the onE WHo..." I gawk at her, she chuckled, "yes i am Error, I know you've been patient with me, But please just wait a little longer" Destiny said sadly, "PatIEnT? fOR WHat?" Destiny chuckled once more, in a more melancholy way. "You will see my child, But first..." She came closer to me, Then gave me a warm hug, for some reason, I didn't feel like pushing her away, "And Error... When the time comes, I will need both you and your friends help to bring your happiness... you want that right?" She asked me, i nodded wearily. She smiled sweetly, "That's good... Me and Fate are working on it, You will be home soon Error..." She said sadly, I looked up to her, "F-FatE??" Destiny looked down to me, "yes... she is my sister, and i had a word with her after your multiverse collapsed, i know you won't forgive her, i barely do myself... but she is sorry... remember that" Destiny replied. Then everything started to go dark, "It looks like your waking up now my child... Just remember, you will be home soon" And with that, it all went dark.

I woke up to Ink staring at me, worry in his eyes, it seems that i have been tied to a chair weakly, But not to weak for it to be noticed for others to see. "InK?" i look to him, He made a surprised look, it seems as if he was daydreaming, "OH GOD! error! are you okay!? i'm sorry! i didn't mean to hit you that hard!" He wailed into my chest, i slowly patted his back, confused. "YoU OKay? I waSN'T LiKE I wAs gOINg dIE" he looked up to me, "Error! you were in a coma for a whole week!" He shouted, my eyes went wide, "whAT? Be qUieT iNKBlOT, yOU MiGHt GeT tHE OTHerS Over HerE" i say, worried. "No i wont, they are all back at their AU's, and Dream is staying over at Blue's" He told me, getting up. "WHy?" i ask him, "I told them they could have the day off, r something like that... i can't remember." He says, embarrassment on his face, He avoids my stare. I laugh. Then i remember what Destiny said, "InK..." he looked back at me, "I thiNK wE MiGHt be GOing HomE".

After explaining everything, Ink looks at me, He looks at me happily, "you sure it wasn't just a strange, week long dream?" He asks me, i shake my head, "wELl for ONe, I nEver rEMemBEr My DreAMs, thEy alWAys haVE SomTHhinG To DO wIth My pASt, aNd secONdly, It wAS The sAMe lADy thAt kePt Us frOm dYINg" He looked at me surprised, "wait.. someone kept us from dying?" I replied, "yEAh, i foRGot yoU fELl unCONsciOus, She grABbEd uS, and sAId someTHINg, befoRE it weNT dArk." I said, He makes his 'thinking face' "well, what did she say?" i think back,"she said, 'oh Error... I am so proud of you... Don't worry my child... You and your friend here will find happiness soon enough, just please be patient for me... And error... Stay DETERMINED' Or something like that" He thinks for a bit, "well, i guess we just have to wait, don't we?" He says happily, He grins at me "now, go and 'escape' ".

Time skip

I was with this multiverses 'bad sans gang', this time it consisted of, Nightmare, Dust, Killer, Cross and Horror. Nightmare was laughing like a mad man because of something Cross' Chara said, I wasn't really listening. Dust then came up to me, "Hey Error, You seem to have something on your mind, you okay?" He asked me, I nodded. "I'M JusT BEing... InpAtieNT... yOu coULD SAy" He nods, thinking. "Hey! why don't we go on another killing spree!?" At the suggestion, Killer and Horror cheer, Cross and me just look at them funny. "guys, you did that last Tuesday, it hasn't even been a week, so no" Nightmare replies, They all pout and start rambling on why they should go, He glares at them and they all shut up.

I laugh at them, The three of them glare at me, but i continue laughing. after awhile all of us are laughing together, It doesn't help when horror drops the bottom of his weapon on Killers face, making all of us laugh even harder.

"so what are we gonna do?" Killer asks, rubbing his face where Horror dropped his axe on him, Nightmare shrugs, "i guess you can go, but if you get caught don't expect me to come and get you" He grumbles out, They all cheer and leave through a portal, dragging Cross with them, once they left i laugh at him, "If tHey gET CaughT YOu'LL get THem" He blushes and growls out,,"i know... of course i would". I look at him, "And they know it too" We stay silent after that, and i silently fall asleep.

A/N hello! sorry this is short, it's actually the shortest one i've done, But i just feel like it's a good place to stop.

The picture at the top is the closest picture that i think looks like destiny, But it doesn't at all really, only the glowy bit.

Also, i've got a question for you all, I've been thinking of adding a ship into this, not as it's main part, but just as a little y'know, flavour??? (that is NOT the right word)

I think i want ErrorMare, but it's not up to me, so you can choose out all of these,

. ErrorMare,

. DestructiveDeath (Death x Error)

. Insomnia (Dream x Error)

. PaperJam (ErrorInk/ Ink x Error)

. No ship

As i said, i feel like Errormare would be best, But it is up to you.

Anyway, Bye!

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