Chapter Sixteen

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Error's P.O.V













We only have one more AU to complete, Then we can go home...

well, when Fate and Destiny do what they need to do after, But we can go home...

Blue's excited, we're all excited. "wHat's the last AU?" I ask, Blue grins, "Reapertale! say, weren't you two close?" Blue asks, "yeah yOu could saY thaT" i replied, sorrow coating my voice, Blue gave me a concerned look, "Did something happen?" He asked, i nod, "Yeah bUt it's the pAssed now, i don'T mind" i replied cheerfully.


Damn glitch, i'm surprised, who knew you could lie to blue like that,

i know right

you gotta feel bad for him

says you

i almost forGot you exsisted, i thought to myself, i got no reply though, "okay let's go!" I heard Ink scream, i looked up to see blue waiting for me, "you ready?" he asked, surprisingly calm. i nod, "Okay, next up, Reapertale!".

Once we entered, it wasn't that hard to find Death, i walked up to him, Ink and Blue stayed still, almost as if they knew i wanted to do this on my own, "HeyA death" i greeted him, He faced me, "Error" He responded coldly. I frowned, "i haVen't seen you iN awhile, wHat did i miss?" i ask, trying to lighten the mood, "Well, i died" He replied darkly, "I'm soRry," i said, "For what? my death or what happened before?" He asked me, i frown again.

"Damnit Error, please! just take care of yourself!" Death pleaded, i shake my head, "i haVE to TaKE caRe Of ThE MultivErSE" I replied, Death shook his head, "Error! i don't care about the multiverse! I care about you!" Death begged, i smiled sadly at him, "I'M SoRry"

i Looked at him sadly, "EveryThINg, i couLdn't be morE mad aT myself" i told him, His eyes widen a little, but it quickly turns back into a scowl. It was quiet for awhile, "Why did you give up?" Death asks, i look at him sadly, "I Couldn'T do it aNymore, i gueSs you weRe righT, huh?" He rolled his eyes, "i'm always right" He started to grow back color, Once he was back to normal, He grinned, "Sup Error" he greeted me properly. i smiled at him, He started to fade, "Error..." Death merely whispered, "yES dEath?" i replied, He just smiled, and just as he was about to disappear, he muttered three clear words,

"i love you"

a week later

Ink's P.O.V

"Blue, do you think Error's Okay?" i whisper in concern, looking over to a sleeping Error. Blue hummed in thought, "I think he's embarrassed? I must have something to do.. with... oh..." Blue said, "oh?" i asked, Blue suddenly got very giddy, "oh... OH! oh my GOD!" Blue started to squeal, "Blue! shh! You'll wake up Error!" i hissed, He suddenly jumped up, "i've got to tell Destiny!" Blue said, still excited. He ran out the room and i followed in curiosity. Once we found Destiny, she was with a woman who went by the name, Oblivion.

"Destiny! i've got to tell you something!" Blue screeched, jumping over to Destiny, Destiny made a silent laugh, "what is it Blue?" He bounced in place, "It's Error! i think..." He paused, building suspense, "Error has a crush!" He screamed.

and then...

there were two screeches of excitement.

"okay, okay" Destiny said after calming down, she grinned, "sooo, who is it?" She asked, Blue giggled, "it's Death!" There was more giggling, i slid over to oblivion, "what are they going on about?" i ask in worry, She shrugged, "No idea, Destiny's always like this with Error." she pouted, my face turned into a meschivious grin, "oh my, are you jealous?" She turned her face hastily, "no idea what your talking about" I grinned, "sure".

Time skip

"We can go home?" i ask in happiness, Fate nods, "You can go right now if you want, Everyone is awake, and as per your request, Remembers everything." Fate claims, "Thank yOu for everything, Fate, DeStiny, Oblivion, AbySs" He says, me and Blue nod, "yes thank you, all of you" i agree with Error, "Well, this will be the last time you see us hopefully, goodbye children" Destiny replies sadly, "yeah, goodbye brats" Abyss adds, Oblivion nods, "Goodbye" i say as we leave them.

It was dark, i couldn't see anything, hear anything, "-ake up" ah, maybe i was wrong. Light shines into my eyes as i open them and i am greeted by my friends, "Ink! did that really happen!?" Dream asks worryingly, i nod, "yes, and i've been gone for over a decade, but we need to find Error" i say as i sit up, "you really shouldn't get up" Resave suggests, i shake my head, "no, Error comes first" i state boldly, I look to my left and see Blue getting up, now back in his armor, "damn, what am i wearing?" He groans, "uh, what you always wear?" Dream states, "No, i haven't wore that in over a decade" Dream looks at him confused, I explain on what happened with Blue, Dream nods worryingly. "Now" i state, "Lets find Error".

Error's P.O.V

i Wake up to see Nightmare fussing over me, while ordering The rest of the gang to do things while they stand there, probably out of shock. "niGhtmare? oh thank gOd... your aliVe" I say to myself loudly. They all smile, "yep! feeling quite alive if i say so myself!" Killer cheered, "And i'm quite hungry, i guess dying does that to you" Horror adds, Nightmare looks over to him, "you are always hungry, go to the kitchen or something" He forces everyone out.

He sits next to me, "y'know, even though i was asleep or whatever, i was worried about you" He mentions, "tHe nightmAre? concErned foR me?" i joke, he lightly slaps my arm, He sighs, "But i'm serious, i might of died, but you never to that again, good?" He asks me, I nod, "SuRE CaptAin" He stays quiet, "your voice has changed" he states, i chuckle, "YeaH it hAs, hasn't it?"

We fall into a comfortable silence, until, "Error?" Nightmare addresses me, "hm?" i reply, "Don't hate me for this" He pleads, before i can reply, i feel his goopy lips(?) press against mine.


And i kiss back.

A/N hello! 
I'm sorry about that kissing scene, i'm really bad at that stuff XD

This only has a few more chapters, and in all honesty there practically just epiloguesif you can have more than one of those...

also, how do you want the poly ship to become a, well, a poly ship

1 Nightmare and Death confront Error about it

2 Error confesses about liking them both

...i wanted to add a third but i can't think of anything.That's it, i guess

(when I tried to put the picture in, it said 'Error reading file' and wouldn't let me put it there, I couldn't stop laughing, XD)

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