Chapter Nine

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Destiny's P.O.V

It was horrible, Watching everyone die. Watching my children die in battle, Watching Error give up. . . all while hearing the frantic screams of My sister. She never mean't for this to get out of hand, none of us did. Yet it still did. I watched all the way until it was only the Anti-void left.

"Sister! We have to do something to save them!" I shout at her, turning back to my child every once in a while, "What can we do? You know i would do it if we could. . ." She whines, tears in her eyes. "There IS something we can do, remember" Her eyes go wide, "Wouldn't that disrupt the order even more?"

She questions, I nod gravely, "But we could SAVE the whole multiverse if we did this sister" She stays silent, "Isn't it dangerous? we could kill them as well as ourselves" I nod, "Okay sister. . .".

I take her hand and a white light envelopes us, It was very color, but it wasn't as well, it was everything and nothing. It was tiring, but we held on, for our children's sake, I think both Fate and I can agree we would do anything for them, even if it mean't death.

I reached out to Error, Ink was unconscious, so all Fate could do is make sure he didn't die. He saw me, but looked to weak to say anything, I went over to him quite frantically and enveloped him in a warm hug, He smiled slightly.

"oh Error... I am so proud of you..." i say sweetly, He looked confused, i wanted to say more to him, but didn't have the time, so i made it quick, "Don't worry my child... You and your friend here will find happiness soon enough, just please be patient for me..." He seemed to find comfort in those words, And as his consciousness was about to fade, i said, "And Error. . . STAY DETERMINED".

He and Ink were then consumed by a white light, I felt weak, Too weak. I looked over to Fate and she wasn't much better, "We need someone to make sure.... sure they are okay... i-... we can't... huhu... do- that... huhuhu..." I nodded weakly, "But there is only one person who would be able to at this moment, the- ... the rest are busy with... their, their own multi- multiverses", She gave me a look, "Abso- Absolutely Not... Destiny... Not him..." I took a breath, "Fate, he's... he's our only option..." She sighed in defeat, "su- summon...

A B Y S S .

Ink's P.O.V (Present day)

It was one of the Multiverses that never have much going on, The story is always simple, and half the time, don't involve us. Times like this me and Error usually just hang out together, never really bothering to watch or act upon it. This is different though, we had nothing to do, so we were watching it, apparently, In the end, Everyone is happy, and defeats Hate. It was quite boring, no fighting or anything, Not that i want them to fight! Just as an example.

Error was fast asleep, leaning on my shoulder. Over the past, what? Decade maybe. We have grow quite close, having almost a brotherly bond. We keep each other high when we have our doubts. It's been around a month and a half since We got that message from this 'Destiny' Person. Error is sure that she does exist, since she mentioned FATE, He seems to be less angry and afraid of Fate after Destiny's message, sure along way from forgiveness, But it seems like he understands the situation she was in.

We were watching the part where Hate kidnaps Blue, It was amusing to see him complain on how he's gotten kidnapped twice in the span of two months. I would go and help, but every time i have the fought my soul starts to ache. I shake Error, "Hey Error, Wake up" I tell him, "ugH whaT Is it iNk?" I shrug, He gives me a look, "Well sinCe you woke mE Up, mighT as weLL Stay uP" Error says. Over the past months, Error's Voice has got a lot better, Of course, i think it will stay glitching forever, but it can be worse, Thinking about it makes me remember when i first met Error...

I was mad, No, I was furious! someone was destroying my creations! my friends! I go to the AU this person was destroying right now, When i saw them, i was surprised. I never made this person, Or, skeleton. They had black, horribly Glitching Bones, A simple black hoodie with yellow, red and blue scattered on it, and the basic Sans sport shorts, But with a gold line instead of white. They had no shoes, but the biggest differences was the blue marks that went down his face from his eyes, making it look like he was crying, and the Error signs around his body. "HEY! STOP RIGHT NOW!" i Scream at them, They look over to me, with a sad, frightened look, i pay no mind to it though.

I wish i did.

"H31L0, 1Nk R1gH7?" i Could barely understand them, The voice gave me shivers, "W-who are you!?" I scream, I assumed he was a boy from the deepness of his voice, "1 Do ^0T HAV3 A NaM£, iNK" The figure stated, "Oh... Well i'll call you Error! so Error, PLEASE stop what you are doing" He gave me a look, one filled with saddness, Pain, and hesitance.

I wish i payed attention to that to.

"1 CaN N07 d0 7Ha7. i'M 50rRY !Nk" He shouted as the AU started to crumble, He quickly made a portal underneath me and i was teleported into a copy of Underfell, I gripped my paintbrush tightly, "DAMN IT!".

I was pulled out of my head when Error snapped his figures at me, Looking at him made me see how much he has changed, He still had his Blue streaks under his eyes, but he was much more taller, He no longer had Error signs every where, But he still glitched around every so often. He had a long blue scarf that seemed like it went through multiple close calls, and he had a long coat, that was black and fade to a darkish blue at the bottom, he had a Red turtle neck, but that wasn't visible because of his long scarf. "Hey inK, Snap ouT of it wiLL YoU?" he asked me, "Oh! sorry Error! I was just thinking..." He gave me a concerned glance, "okaY..." i Looked over to what was happening in the story, and saw that it had already ended, "YoU Were iN your hEad for quitE A while Ink" I nodded, "Welp, Lets go then! I want to go to outerTale, Now. I feel like having so space nice-Cream".

Time skip

"oh, That was delicious!" I exclaim, Error grins at me, "Yeah, iT was iNk" It falls into a comfortable silence, "so, whAt are wE goinG to do Now?" Error asks me, "i'm not really sure Error... We just have to wait" I state, Error makes an annoyed expression, "We haD to waIt for a lOt of thiNgs recentLY" He grumbles out, I laugh nervously "yeah...".

We walk around outertale for a while, Making idle chit-chat along the way, nothing to important, Until we saw Dream and Blue talking to each other, We hid behind a rock and eavesdropped. "I'm worried about him Blue, He never hangs out with us anymore!" Dream whines, concern in his eyes, "Hey! maybe he is just busy?" Blue tries cheering him up, Dream looks t him, "you really haven't noticed?" Dream asks Blue, "Notice what?" He asks, "That when he fights Error or Nightmare, Or any bad sans, he doesn't even bother TRYING to hurt them! do you think they did something to him?! Maybe he's brainwashed!" At this I bursts out laughing, Dream and Blue hear me, Error glares at me, I walk over to them casually, "Dream! hahaha! I'm not brainwashed!" Dream looks at me funny, "where you eavesdropping on us?" I look around, avoiding Eye contact. I shuffle my feet, "Maybeeee?" I get scolded by Dream.

Time skip

I look around for Error, i had to leave him because of Blue and Dream. "Error!?" I shout, He appears behind a rock, "toOk you loNg enougH" He states, i groan "yeeahh i know!" So, what are we arg-" I was cut of by a pain in my chest, I look over to Error, "guess we gotta go..." Error grins at me, pain in his smile, "yeah, thIs onE Was boring anYway".

A/N so this was basically just a filler chapter...

yeah that's why it's so bad-

So this got finished a lot earlier than expected, that can be a good or bad thing, it's up to you I guess.

Sorry it's bad, i know it's bad you don't have to lie : )

yeah, i had to get this out earlier because MORE people are coming over, so i wont have time because i have to socialize,


i'm joking, anyway i think that's it,

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