Chapter Four

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Lust woke up in the snow again, Too afraid to sleep in his own bed in case his Brother did something, He slept in his post, Which now thinking about it, wasn't a great idea. But he lived. He realized he must of moved in his sleep, or teleported. It does happen. He groggily got up, He doesn't want to stay here to long. I think you know why.

suddenly Lust heard a twig snap near him. He frantically looked around, if someones hiding then it means nothing good, but when was it any different? "w-who's there?" Lust squeaked out. Don't get me wrong, he can fight, really well as well. But all sans' work on KR points, and since Lust itself isn't anything wrong in this AU, He can only deal 1 attack. The easiest enemy... one could say. It works like that in all AU's, In HorrorTale, Horror can only deal one attack to enemies who kill for food, because that's how his AU works.

Lust took another step back, shaking, both from fear and the cold. Suddenly, he saw a shadow, barely noticeable, but not completely. He turned around and legged it, Thinking about it now, why he didn't teleport is a mystery.

Lust ran, probably faster than he had ever ran in his life. He didn't know where he was going, He didn't care in all honestly. It could of been someone wanting help, though, it's a small chance, but right now, he didn't care. He can regret it later when he is safe. He heard footsteps running behind him, running just as fast as him. If he gets even a bit slower, he will be caught.

He ran and ran, then suddenly, he fell. He thought he fell of a ledge, but when he saw bright colors, He knew it was a portal. Where to? He had no Idea. He just hoped it was somewhere safe.

Lust's P.O.V

The portal closed, and on the other side was... more falling. I was falling fast, and the only thing under me was a field of buttercups. Am i going to die? i guess this is it...

then it all went dark. . .




"My child!"

I opened my eyes, feeling a pain shoot up my side, "URGH" I moan out, "Oh! Thank goodness your wake!" That sounded like a Toriel... but different. I look up to see a... Human? Wait... is that... Human!Tale Toriel? I made a surprised sound, She looked confused for a second, then realized it was because of how she looked "oh! how rude of me, My names Toriel, And this is the Ruins" She smiles invitingly. I smile warily back. Suddenly, i feel two warm arms pick me up "w-what?!" I squeak out, I look to her, "well, how are you going to walk? i think you broke your.... bones" She smiles, I relax, which surprises me, i guess motherly people are just easy to trust?

After a long walk through different puzzles that i know by heart, but of course, she doesn't know that. We finally reach The small home in the ruins. What surprises me, is that i see a glowing star, i reach out to it, which was hard in my position, and it... saves?

*Seeing such a cute, tidy house in the RUINS gives you determination.

Strange... i was cut of from my train of thought by a voice "we are here my child!" Toriel exclaimed softly, I smiled back at her, We enter the house, and Toriel puts me on 'chariel' as i have named it. She grabs a a few healing items a gives me them, "You should be okay soon, my child. I will go make some food, which do you prefer, cinnamon or Butterscotch?" Toriel asks me, i think a bit "I like both equally" I reply, This seems to make her smile "perfect! call me if you need anything my child, i'll only be in the next room!" She shouts as she walks into the kitchen.

Time skip to about 6 months

It seems like i'm not going to my AU anytime soon, and i'm kind of happy about that, nothing there matters to me, not anymore at least...

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