Chapter Five

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I woke up to Dream shouting at me, I got up and looked at him groggily, "what...?" I asked him, He puffed out his cheeks, "You've been asleep for 17 hours Ink! We were worried!" Dream shouted at me, seeming to be relieved, I look at him, still half asleep, "okay... get out so i can get dressed" He sighed at got out the room. I got out of bed and stood up, I felt like i was forgetting something, and then it all came back too me,

"Error! We have you cornered! This will be your end of Terror!"

"ReALlY InK? mE? OvER REdEmpTiOn? YoU May NoT SeE It NoW, bUT YoU WIlL REgrET THis..."

"G-gUYs!? whY ARe yOU AlL HeRE?"

"WeLl dONe CreATOr!"

"I give up Ink, You win. If you think sacrificing EVERYTHING is worth destroying something you haven't even tried to understand, then i wont even bother..."

"INk, my fRieNd, ThIs Is what haPpeNs wHEn yOu waNT tO DIe bUt yOU pHYsicAlly cAn't"

"WEll done InK, yOU'vE kILleD uS ALl"

"FrienDS HuH? WiTH tHe cREATOr?"

"IF wE SOmE HoW SurviVe tHis... MeET mE in OuTerTale... WherE I USualLY sIT"

"GueSS tHIS IS iT, huH?"

"yeah... I'm sorry Error"

And then it all went Dark. . .

I gasp, Remembering it all at once, Was it a dream?

"IF wE SOmE HoW SurviVe tHis... MeET mE in OuTerTale... WherE I USualLY sIT"

I guess i only have one way too know if it was.

i get dressed, i look over too where broomy was sitting, I smile, I grab it and run down stairs, passing Dream and blue "w-what?! where are you going Ink!" Dream asks me, almost falling over. I don't stop running, "Don't worry about it! i'll call you if i need you!" I shout, heading out the door, and then i make a portal To Outertale.

Time skip

(OuterTale - Copy 000)

I run to where Error usually sits, No one was there... "huh... i guess it was just a strange Dream..." i say to myself, "NoPE, It WaS ReAL InKY" i hear a sudden, glitchy voice. I scream in surprise. He laughs at me, "ReALlY?" He grabs my hand and pulls me up, I thank him, "Thanks... so... what the hell happened?! We died!! Remember!?" I scream, he seems more amused than anything. "I knew this was going to happen to me, since i can't die... but i didn't think you would remember..." He says quietly, i get confused. "what do you mean?" I ask him "CoMe hEre," He tells me, we sit on the cliff and he shows me a bunch of numbers, "what is that?" I ask him, "ThaT InKY, Is ThE COdE OF OuR MUlTIVersE" He tells me, "wait... i knew AU's had code, but the Multiverse does?" I ask him, He nods. "UnlIke AU's CoDe, I CAN't mEss wiTH It, ONLy viEW It" He tells me. "So, what does this have to do with anything?" It seemed like he expected this question, "I'Ll sHow yOu" He pulls up another box, The code completely different. "What is this code for?" I ask him, He stays quiet, "InKY... ThIs IS tHIS MuLtIVErses CoDe" He tells me.

I gawk at him, "InKy iF YoU STay lIke ThaT You'LL CatCH FlIes" He says, amused, "How?? why are YOU freaking not out!?" I ask him, He shrugs "I HAd wORsE ThinGS HapPEN" He says bluntly, "sorry..." I say, He realized what he said, "I tOld YOu, I foRgiVE yOu" He tells me, We stay silent, "My friends are dead... Those aren't really my friends... are they?" I ask him sadly, suddenly realizing how bad this was, He stays silent. "I killed my friends..." i felt like i stopped breathing, Error looks at me with worry and sadness in his eyes "YoU dIDN'T kNOw InK, nO OnE DId... YoU DIDn't kILL THEm" He says, trying his best to comfort me, I only stay silent, Being swallowed up by self hate and pity.

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