Chapter Seventeen

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Nightmare's P.O.V

It's been a week since we 'revived' you could say. It's also been a week since... we Kissed. I think i messed up.

He won't come out his room.

He's quiet, but i know he's there. Everyone's trying to get him out, though, they don't know why he's locked himself in there. Usually, i would just break the door down, but i don't want to make it worse. damn, i've gone soft.

There was a knock at the door, I went to answer it, "Who is it? oh, Hello Death" i greeted him, He gave me a worried look, "Is Error okay? i haven't seen him in a week" he asked me worryingly, i sighed, "Come in, i'll explain it" After explaining the situation, minus the part where i kissed Error, Death nods, "Well, i'm going to try to get him out, come" He told me, i nodded and we walked all the way to Error's Room.

Once we reached there, The door was locked, like it has been for the past week. Death knocks the door, "Hey, it's me Death. Nightmares here too, can you come out?" We heard shuffling, then we heard a muffled, "No" Error stated, Death sighed, "why don't you tell me what's bothering you then?" Death asked, It was quiet, as if he was thinking on what to say. "It'S you tWo" He responded, we were both surprised, "what did we do?" i asked, He doesn't take as long to respond, "NotHing, yoU juSt..." He paused, "We just what?" Death asked, Error replied "i felL iN lOVE WIth bOtH of You".

I looked over to Death, he seemed just as surprised as me, "i, we did?" i asked, He didn't reply. We heard shuffling again, and then it stopped. "Error?" Death questioned, we had no reply. "Y'know what, forget this" Death stated. He pulled out his scythe, and shouted, "Error get away from the door!" And then he broke the door.

We walked in, and found Error wrapped around in the blankets of the bed, that had been dragged onto the floor. He was peeping through a small crack what the blankets weren't covering, and glared "You bRoke my dOor" he noted, Death nodded, "so i did" He agreed, They started glaring at each other, "wha-?" i was cut of by Death walking over to error rather loudly, He picked him up, along with the covers with ease, Looked him in the eye, and stated, "your a idiot" Error glared, "saYs the maN who broKe my doOr" i watched in confusion, as they had a staring- no, glaring contest.

"what are you two doing?" i asked them, Death dropped Error, "OwwwWw?!" Error whined, glaring at the reaper, He grabbed me by the hand, "h-hey!" I Whined as he pulled me, He grabbed Error with his other hand, and pulled him as well. "whAt the hEll aree yOu doing Death!?" Error almost growled, He didn't reply. He tossed me and Error on the bed, grabbed the covers on the floor, jumped in and stayed still. When i tried getting off, he pushed me back down, "i swear you two can't do anything" he said, Error looked over to me in confusion, he seemed to realize something and went bright yellow. "t-tHanKS, I gUEss" His voice glitched more than usual. "what?" i looked at them in confusion, Death deadpanned at me, He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me closer to him and Error, I looked at him "...oh" i squeaked.

Earlier that day.

Ink's P.O.V

I sighed in defeat. "this is hopeless," I whined to myself. Suddenly, Dream barged into my room, an beautiful, bright, cheerful grin plastered on his face, "Ink! i've found Nightmares castle!" He cheered, i stood up and grinned, "finally! i was giving up hope for a second! Get blue, we need to leave as soon as possible," I told him, He nodded, "okay!" He quickly ran out the room, most likely to get Blue.

Once all three of us were ready, Dream told us where it was, "so, The castle is actually in Dreamtale" Dream told us, i looked at him confused, "we already checked there multiple times, He nodded, "Yeah, But we never checked that copy" Dream told me, i nodded understanding. "okay, lets go!" We all cheered.

We walked through the original Dreamtale, "damn, how could anything be here?" Blue asked, i shrugged, "There was a bit that wasn't as affected as the rest of this place, there probably there" Dream informed me, i nodded.

After a bit of walking, we found a tall, dark mansion, "that's defiantly it" I said, Dream looks at me, "how can you tell?" he asked, "well, Error told me about this place a lot, and also, it's the only thing in miles" i stated, Dream shrugged, "okay, lets go in" Blue ordered. We walked up to the door, "i'll knock" Blue offered, We nodded and he knocked, a few seconds later, Dust opened the door, "B-blue? why are you here?" He asked, He looked over Blue's shoulder, and locked eyes with me, "oh, i see. I'm afraid he's busy" He stated, Blue looked confused, "with what?" He asked, Dust suddenly grinned, "i'll show you" he responded creepily.

We walked through the mansion, passing a few of it's inhabitants, how didn't seem to be surprised to see us, and completely ignored our existence. After around five minutes, we found a door off it's hinges, and splinters everywhere. We looked in too see three sleeping skeletons curled around each other, Blue and Dream squealed, "shh, don't wake them!" i harshly whispered, grinning. Blue looked at me, "i know you feel just as excited," Blue poked at me, i rolled my eyes, "let's wait down stairs for them" i said, They nodded, and we left the three alone.

We walked back downstairs, which took us around ten minutes to find, Once we did, we all awkwardly sat on the couches, where both Cross and Killer were sitting. They looked to us, "You want something?" Killer asks rudely, Cross lightly slaps him, "what he means, is, what do you need?" Cross corrected, Killer rolled his eyes, but said nothing. "we're just waiting for Error, Nightmare and Death to wake up" Dream replied, Cross looked at us in confusion, "wait, when did Death come here?" He asked, Killer butts in, "yeah, why is Nightmare asleep? much less Error, they never sleep" We all looked at each other, "you haven't see it?" I asked, they shook their heads.

the five of us walked back to the room we saw before, "so, what are we going again?" Killer asked, Cross shrugged, "something to do with Nightmare, Error and Death" Cross stated. Once we arrived to the broken door, Killer and Cross peeped their heads in, Then Cross made the most, ear-threatening, Nightmare fueled squeal, i have ever heard.

and somewhere, you could hear multiple squeals join in, coming from an unknown source.

A/N i'm back, and this one is filled with romance -kinda-

which i'm really bad at writing.

i tried to write something heart warming, but it just came out more like a crack chapter.

so sorry about that... 😐

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