Chapter 7: Very Meh

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To be honest I am still thinking about how eventful that date was. Well, mainly what me and Alex are doing. But also the fact I have now caught two people breaking the rules! I mean one is a friend and the other is a foe but I don't know what to do about this stuff. I'm just going to push that stuff out of my head, I have the challenge to win today!

We all gathered in the kitchen talking about yesterday's challenge I mean the Anna Wintour was there I hope she doesn't judge us too hard, because we all know Monica definitely will. Levi leads takes us one by one to get changed back into our outfits from yesterday and then lead us back to the main stage. Shamir does his intro for this week and reintroduces our judges. Now it comes the part everyone has been waiting on whose in the top, bottom, and who is safe. Shamir says " If I call your name then you are safe this week and may take a seat in the jury box. Sean, Emily, Drew, Anna, and Alex. So, Trey, Annaleigh, Cassadi, Tamir, and Jillian. You all represent the Tops and Bottoms of the week! Time for the judges critiques well start with Trey." Anna, "Trey, darling that performance and outfit was spring cover of vogue ready. I want to put it straight on the cover! Very good job." Monica, " Trey, you did very well. I thought it was executed nicely and honestly, I didn't care what character you were going for because you sold yourself on the runway and that's a big part of being a witness." Shamir: "Okay Annaleigh you're up next" Anna, "You really held my attention, you truly embarked the crying widow and the attention to detail with the dress and the ring and the tissues really sold the outfit!" Monica, " I mean flawless job! It is hard to cry on command and you really sold a grieving widow" Shamir: "Cassadi it's time to hear your verdict" Anna, "I love your color pallet very bold choices, however, you are still playing a defendant on trial but very daring outfit but did the risk pay off?" Monica, "I would like to echo Anna. You had a very good pallet and you stood out which is actually a good thing but maybe you stood out a little too much?" Shamir: "Jillian it is time for your critiques" Anna, "This is supposed to be a fun challenge and I feel like you played it too safe. I mean this competition is about showing off skills not something any average mocker can do." Monica, " I mean witness make up the most points in a trial and what you present us was five worthies you really could have brought more life to such a dull witness." Shamir: "Tamir, it is your time to hear from the fashion experts" Anna, " This is just straight funeral attire and not good funeral attire at that. You look no different than any other man who buys a two hundred dollar suit and calls it high fashion. Not impressed." Monica, " Mock trial is mainly about the performance of the material and your clothes gave you no material to work with." Shamir: "Well I have made a decision. After careful conversations with the phenomenal Anna Wintour, we have decided to have a double win! Congratulations Trey and Annaleigh! You both will receive the shopping trips and both have an internship waiting for you at Vogue! Cassadi you are safe and may join the other in the jury box. Tamir and Jillian, unfortunately, that means you are up for elimination and the same rules apply your peers will decide your verdict."

Well, I am FUCKING THRILLED TO BE A WINNER! I mean yeah I gotta share it with Annaleigh but still! I made MTAAME history as the first person to be apart of a double win. Emily runs to hug me and Annaleigh our alliance is excelling currently! We all decide to cut Tamir from the competition, it only seems fair. I see Jillian crying in the corner, Anna and Sean are trying to comfort her. Which reminds me Anna never formed an Alliance with anyone... I wonder what her strategy is. Drew and Alex are talking and I overhear him talk about voting off Jillian since she is acting like a brat over being in the bottom two, he even said she has a victim complex. That information helps my alliance, one of the teams are already weak, and it's even better that it is the "strongest" team. Olivia takes us back to the jury box and Shamir begins the show. Shamir directs us to go cast our votes.

Confessional Voting

Me: "I am voting for Tamir, I mean he's already dressed for a funeral and he just killed his chances of staying on this show.

Anna: "I am voting for Jillian because I offered to help her with her expert outfit but she thought hers was better... she was clearly wrong"

Emily: "Me and the startled reactions all agreed to vote our Tamir so"

Alex: "Yeah Tamir is my bro and even though babe told me to vote for him I gotta say bros before hoes bye, Jillian."

Annaleigh: "Yeah between me, Emily and Trey voting Tamir out he's good as gone. Plus I have Alex voting with us too! He's so dreamy"

Cassadi: "I gotta vote Tamir out I mean us women have got to stick together, even though Tamir is pretty cute."

Drew: "Jillian made her bed so it is time for her to lay in it"

Shamir returns with the results! He calls Jillian and Tamir to the front. Not surprisingly he announces that Tamir has been deemed ineligible. This man only says this when he leaves, he said "Meh, I don't really care" and shrugged his shoulders! I mean he stole a spot from someone who could have cared more. After Elimination, I go get changed and take a dip in the pool when I am greeted by someone.

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