Chapter 19: The Finale Part 2

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Shamir and the crew come back and resume filming again. He looks at us still very thrown off by what Emily just did but he continues on. "Mockers after that shocking development Emily just did we will move forward in the competition. You will have one hour to put on a mini case and chief. You will each give an opening discussing why you deserve to be in this top three. You will each be on the cross and answer questions from the members of the jury and after hearing each other's openings and cross-examinations you will be allowed to give a closing argument on the most important question of all, why you deserve to win and why your competitors deserve to lose. You have one hour and your time starts now!"

I frantically start prepping myself I mean this is the big leagues. I really map out what I think is a decent strategy on how to tackle this, I want to show my funny, flirty, charming, yet serious side... Yeah, that's a lot to do but that's okay I am up for the challenge. Time is almost up and well I don't know if I am ready or not but there is only one way to find out. We all walk out onto a brand new stage it really looks like a full ass courtroom. Me, Sean, and Annaleigh each have our own council table and we set up everything we needed and sat in our seats until it was time for us to be called. The eliminated mockers come into the courtroom and sit in the jury box and the looks on their faces are just wow. Some are pissed... aka Jillian, some look happy to be there and others look as lost as easter eggs. Shamir comes in and this man is whole the fuck in a judges robe, he really went all out. Shamir looked at Sean and asked, "Mr. Johnson are you ready to give an opening statement." Sean replied, " Yes I am your honor." Sean looked very nervous walking up to the podium but he still got up there and gave his opening.

He said "Your honor, former contestants, and opposing counsel. I have earned the right to be apart of the top three, because of how hard I have worked. I have won a challenge, helped my alliance, and strategically ended my alliance when I needed to. I have played this game very well. I know a lot of the jury would disagree, but mock trial is not always about being fair, everyone being a winner, or not pushing the limits to win. I have always wanted to be on this show and I truly believe that I have earned my place here. Thank you.

Shamir looked at me and my palms instantly get sweaty. He said to me "Mr. Grevious are you prepared to give an opening statement." I reply, yes your honor.

Your honor, eliminated mockers, friend, and opposing counsel. I deserve to be here because well I just do. I came into this competition as a force to be reckoned with. I have never been in the bottom and have won major challenges! I have played the game fairly and I have stayed true to my friends. This competition was not easy for me, I had a heartbreak, my friends were sent home or left on their own accord, but none of it stopped me from being the charming person America has come to love. I have been a consistent period. I encompass everything this competition is about. I have witt, courage, social skills, created drama, solved drama, and even gave up love all in the name of this competition. So this is why I deserve to be here standing before you all, thank you.

Shamir then looks at Annaleigh and she gets up to give her opening.

She went on to say "Your honor, members of the jury, and opposing counsel. I deserve to be in the competition because I am statistically the best competitor. But it runs deeper than that. I was eliminated and still managed to come back into this competition kicking. I believe that is because God destined for me to make it this far, I don't know how much further he wants me to go. But one thing I know is I deserve to be alongside these two. It is time to show the world that female mockers are good as if not better than their male counterparts! So with all of that being said, thank you."

Alright, contestants and jury are you all ready for cross. Annaleigh you will be up first.

Annaleigh's cross

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