Chapter 12: You decide

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I woke up not ready for today. This competition is really getting to me. All of these high stakes, lies, and uncertainty just really mess with me. I feel like all of this isn't even real it is like I am in a dream but every time I wake up it feels more and more like a nightmare.

I finally dragged myself out of bed and went downstairs and it seems like today is a chill day for the production team, hell the rest of the contestants are downstairs eating breakfast. Everyone is downstairs laughing and if you haven't been watching the show you would think we all actually like each other. The production team is really hyping us up to be happy and honestly, it's nice for them to want something from us other than drama. I even laughed at a joke Alex told, it doesn't make me forgive him but it's nice to ignore the elephant in the room. Olivia pulls Jillian into the confessional room, and once Jillian leaves we all kinda start going our separate ways since this is a competition after all. So me and squad get together and give each other a pep talk and really play up our alliance for the cameras. Jim's favorites, however, aren't looking too great. Drew still obviously doesn't trust Sean and Jillian. It seems like every year Drew gets backstabbed by his "team" poor thing he seems like a great guy I don't know why Sean and Jillian would be such bitches to him. Shamir walks in and starts off this new segment. He said "Mockers! Today there will be no competition! So we are sending everyone on a group date!! It is about time you guys actually bonded with each other and show the audience and future employers that you can do things with a group. After the date, we will reveal something that will change the rest of this competition! So have fun."

Turns out the group date was doing an obstacle course and then going to the local bar afterward to chill. We were led to the backyard and I honestly couldn't believe what I saw. It was a GIANT obstacle course and it looked like it came straight out of the 2008 Disney Channel Games. It must have taken forever to set up. We all go over to the starting line and that's where Shamir starts explaining the rules. He says how there will be two teams: One team will be the mock competitors (blue team) and the other will be some members of the crew (red team), the winners will get free, unlimited drinks all night at the bar and the other team will have to pay for their drinks. I see Emily glance over at Levi and smile. I roll my eyes because our team can't afford for her to be distracted, we need this win, for a morality boost and also for the free drinks. Shamir continues to go over the rules and explains that there are 6 obstacles and 7 people on each team. Each person does an obstacle and the 2nd obstacle involves two people. Each team will have one backpack with a flag in it with our team color. That backpack has to go from obstacle to obstacle, person to person. The first obstacle is the hamster ball. One person gets inside the giant hamster ball and rolls to the next obstacle which will be the 2 person egg carry. These two have to work together to run to the next obstacle without dropping the egg off of their platform. If they drop it they have to go back. The next obstacle is a person climbing over an inflatable rock climbing wall and sliding down the slide. The 4th obstacle is a giant kiddie pool with foam filled inside of it that has 10 balls inside of it. 5 are red and 5 are blue. Each team has to search to get all 5 of their color balls before moving on. The next one is a tricycle race where they have to ride a tricycle to the next obstacle where there is a team member waiting to sprint over to a flagpole and put up their flag. Whichever team does that first wins. The rules were a little confusing but I knew our team could handle it..... Hopefully. We all group up together to decide who will be doing each obstacle. Drew assigned us each an obstacle, he really is a good leader. Surprisingly there were no disagreements on who would be doing each one. I was definitely expecting some complaints. Everyone seems pretty motivated to win, especially Emily. That girl is competitive, especially when it comes to free drinks. We all gather at our designated obstacles and wait for Shamir to blow the horn to start. He counts off 3.....2......1 and GOOOOOOOOOOOO

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