Chapter 4: Opening Up

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So Shamir signed off the show Olivia came to me to get me ready for tomorrow's challenge. She said, "the key to success tomorrow is being passionate, use your hands effectively to convey your important points, and confidence while speaking." It sounded possible but I have clue what I'm even supposed to be writing about or what type of speech but I guess we will see tomorrow.

Once I wake up and get ready I head downstairs I see Emily and Annaleigh talking, so I join their conversation. We started to talk about today's challenge and Emily tells us that she heard one of the contestants has anxiety when giving speeches in public, she doesn't know who yet but she plans on finding out. I took the information as a good use of strategy, I ask them "do you guys want to band together and help each other on this challenge and maybe eliminate some competition on the way?" They both agreed to try this out but they weren't sure if an alliance was a good move just yet. We finish up our conversation and we chill in the kitchen until Sean walked in, I could tell I was gonna like Emily and Annaleigh from the collective sigh/ eye roll we all did. Sean just has this aura about him it's like I want to like him and make him an ally but something in my gut keeps screaming DON'T. I was pulled away from my inner thoughts when Sean pulls Emily away, Emily clearly does not want to go but she just smiles anyway... What a fake bitch, but I respect it. It left me and Annaleigh alone, she doesn't really talk much she is a very reserved person, but soon Alex walks in and says "hey good looking" and I swear out of the corner of my eye I see Annaleigh blushing, in fact maybe even smiling. I didn't have much time to think about it since Levi called us all together to begin filming for today's challenge. We all get settled and then Shamir does his intro, and then he starts explaining today's challenge he says "Today's challenge is one of passion, speaking skills, and memory of the content. Each of you has to prove that you have what it takes to perform like your clients' life depended on it. That's right the opening you will be giving is a defense opening, now all the facts point to your client being guilty but will that stop you from being an all-star attorney. You have 45 minutes to read over your opening then you will give it in front of the group and I will score you on it. Drew is exempt since he has already had experience with openings. Good luck contestants!"

Olivia and Levi pass out the speech we will be reading, I immediately get with Annaleigh, Emily, and Annie and we begin to read it to each other; Annaleigh and I were the best, Emily did okay but Annie was just so nervous and kept tripping over her words. I almost felt bad for her, almost. I look at Annie and I try to offer kind words of encouragement which seems to help, but I overhear other groups giving their speeches and well they sounded good as fuck. So, I had to do something I am not exactly proud of... I attacked Annie's anxiety. It was a shitty thing to do but I had no other choice I knew she could easily land in the bottom and honestly Emily and Annaleigh were too important of allies to risk them going home. I walk to Annie and as she is going over her speech and she messes up again I well, criticize her. I tell her "wow Annie is that really the best you can do I mean for God's sake we go on in 10 minutes" I felt horrible saying it but if she goes home over me saying some harsh things then she doesn't deserve to be here anyway. Annie runs off after I said that to her and I think she was crying, poor thing but Shamir rounds up the producers to go over how the taping needs to look and he is very specific and stern about it. I mean he has wayyyyy too many rules, but Olivia and Levi follow them all and they round us up and put us in order the order of presentation is Jillian, Annie, Alex, Tamir, Me, Emily, Annaleigh, Cassadi, Anna, and Sean.

We all take our seats and Shamir, Drew and a Special guest judge an AMTA rep Josh is also here to help judge the speeches. Jillian goes and performs her speech she does well but she lacks passion and it felt more like a closing than an opening, Annie goes and wow I mean she was shaking clearly nervous she just was not prepared to wow the judges, Alex goes next his speaking skills are amazing however he sounds like a robot, Tamir gives his speech and honestly I was surprised by how well he did I didn't even know he could hold a conversation let alone give a damn good speech. I go next and after Tamir gave his speech I was nervous, but I went up there I had amazing movements, I spoke passionately, but I did the one thing a defense attorney never should do! I said "at the end of today's trial find my client guilty" WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT! I recovered well and the judges seemed to not notice so hopefully I still did well. Emily gave her speech and well she did okay but she clearly is not meant to be an attorney, Annaleigh gave an amazing speech truly one of the best, Cassadi did an interesting type of speech but she had passion, Anna gave her speech but honestly she went so fast it was hard to fully comprehend what she was saying, and now finally the last person Sean gave his speech it was phenomenal well the first two paragraphs because he shortly forgot the rest of the speech it was a very long and awkward pause as he tried to remember the rest. He finally got the last paragraph out and that was it. How embarrassing. Now that the challenge was over we all started getting ready for our first group date of the season. We were all going to the beach, and let's just say I was looking forward to seeing a certain person in a swimsuit.

We got to the beach and let me tell you some of these people do not know how to dress for the occasion. That one girl Jillian even showed up in a cardigan! I mean who wears a cardigan to the beach? When Emily asked her about it she said how it was her "casual social outfit". I thought it was weird but you do you, sis. Anyways the goal of the group date was for all of us to get to know each other better since we would be living in the same house for weeks. Everyone mainly stayed in their groups from before so I got to know Emily, Annie, and Annaleigh a bit better. I could tell Annie was still upset at me from before, but I was just trying to help a girl out. And I knew she wouldn't say anything to my face about it. But one thing I did notice was that Emily kept sneaking glances at Levi. There was definitely something going on there, something that I could use to my advantage later if she proves not to be a trustworthy ally. When I looked at the other contestants I saw Anna lecturing Jillian and Tamir on economics so I made sure to ignore that whole mess. I saw Cassadi and Sean both flirting with Alex, but he wasn't the least bit into it, and anyways they don't stand a chance against me I mean they're three's and I am a ten. I saw Drew sitting by the water by himself, I could tell that we annoyed him and he didn't want to be around us. And I can't say I blame him after what happened last season. I mean being betrayed by people you thought you trusted must have been rough for him. Once it started getting late and we decided to gather around a campfire and play a fun drinking game called truth or truth. Which was my favorite when I did my undergrad at Hartfeld University. I decided to be blunt and asked Alex was his biggest turn on was. Olivia said I should be the flirt in this competition and that's exactly what I'm going to do. He replied "confidence" and even gave me a wink. I mean let's be honest these other hoes got nothing on me. It was Anna's turn to ask the next question and she asked Tamir if he had a crush on anyone in the circle. He just sat there and said, "I feel uncomfortable right now". Way to take the fun out of the game. I mean how did this boy even get in this competition he is soooo boring? It was Annie's turn and she asked me what my favorite genre of music was. What kind of question was that? Anyways I answered Pop or R&B and she had the nerve to say I needed to "expand my music taste". I was pissed and was starting to feel less guilty about what I said earlier. The game continued on and I was actually starting to have fun with this new group of people. I can definitely see some friend potential. However, the night took a turn when Cassadi asked Drew what the truth was about what happened last season with the betrayal. He said he didn't want to answer it but she kept pushing and pushing until he just got up and stormed off. It's obviously still a sore subject for him, and I don't know why Cassadi thought bringing up Vince and Gigi would be a good idea. We didn't know what to do next but Olivia told us that it was good footage and that we should all head back to the house. I went back up to my room and was getting ready for bed. But a few moments later bright headlights showed through my window and I decided to look out to see who it was. We aren't allowed to leave the house until we're eliminated so I wanted to see who was breaking the rules, probably Sean since he seemed so sneaky before. When I looked out I couldn't believe what I saw. It was Levi and Emily getting into his car and driving away from the house. I knew that something was up earlier but she has to watch out. Relationships between producers and contestants are strictly prohibited, and I can't afford to lose an ally this close to elimination night.

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