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This will be a KiriTodoBakuDeku book. It will be a polyamorous relationship between FOUR guys.  This book will surely be a ride, because I'm not even sure what exactly I'm doing for it! Woo! I promise it will be good tho! Please keep reading...

•Major fluff
•Mpreg (I don't think I'm actually gonna have any of our four main boys get pregnant. A "side" character might tho. There will be mentions of it though. Girls can get other girls pregnant and some boys- that's actually kinda rare tho. Men in Thai world just have uteruses lol. I'm a sucker for mpreg even if it's just mentioned)
•OKAY I SAY THIS EVERY CHAPTER AND PEOPLE KEEP COMMENTING ON IT AND ITS GETTING SO ANNOYING! These chapters will move FAST. Really FREAKING fast. Yes, I know it does, I wrote it! Please stop commenting on it. It's just annoying, cause it sounds so whiny and like you're complaining about it, and... I'm just really over here trying my best with a smut-fluff story, and all the comments saying that it's moving so fast are just getting slightly on my nerves... Yes, I know I might be overreacting... but I just wanted to say that. This book will move fast. Periodt.

So, everyone's personalities are gonna be a little different... well, except Bakugou's. They're "bad". Not villain bad. They're just dumb teenagers who don't know what the fuck they're doing and trying to find themselves, sooo yeah.

Ok, so the first chapter SUCKS, but I promise all the rest of the chapters are good. This most likely will be fluff and shit, because I can't handle more drama and stupid shit in my fics anymore...

I'm gonna do smut, but this will only be my second time doing it.... the first time I deleted it after a couple days of it being up because I felt guilty... but that guilt is gone now! Let the smut come! (You see what I did there???)

Those are all my warnings... I hope you like the book!

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