Thank You

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Hi guys! I just wanna say thank you for all the support you have given me. This will be the last thing I publish for this besides if I say I came out with a new fic (maybe).

I want to respond to all of you, but there were quite a bit, and that makes me so happy. I saw all of your comments, and I just want to say thank you and that I'm going to work hard to get my mental and physical health to where I want it to be.

I will definitely continue to write. I am so many stories in the works right now (like five lmao), but I won't be publishing them until they are finished or almost finished.

A lot of the books are MHA but some are from other fandoms and just from my head. One is even based off of purely my life which isn't that eventful but me and my bestie have a joke where our story is like a cringey fanfic, so I decided to write it lol. If any of you guys are interested in any of them, just let me know, and I will be working hard to keep my love for writing all the while looking out for myself.

I love you guys so much, and I hope I'm not bothering you with all these posts lol. This book is officially over! Thank you for reading it! It means the absolute world. Thank you 💖

Also! Sorry.... I will be posting more on my page-account-thing in here to try and keep everyone updated and to interact more, see what you guys are like and what kinda stories you guys like (100% no judgement here lmao). I hope to see some of you on there!

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