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Izuku's POV

I feel myself dozing off as I continue to lay in Kiri's lap. I give off soft, little sighs as he massages my lower back area. I kiss his neck softly as a little thanks, and I realize how smooth his skin is. It's so fucking soft too.

It's a nice deep, caramel color with dark brown freckles covering everywhere. I kiss his neck some more, because damn... he's just that soft.

I feel him grab my hips and groan. "If you continue that, we're gonna have round two."

I laugh a little bit and lick his neck, biting it right afterwards. I kiss it then go back to laying my head on his shoulder.

"Who said you can stop massaging me? Get back to it!" I clap my hands together twice, then go back to laying down.

He groans and continues to massage me. Todoroki and Kacchan are still at it. I don't know how much longer they're gonna go for, but damn...

I really want to talk with Todoroki more. He seems interesting, and I want to learn all that I can. I'm infatuated with how he ticks. He seems like he's hiding something, and I wanna know what it is.

"What are ya thinkin' about, Izuku?" He asks, digging his fingers in deeper while he massages, which causes me to moan.

"Todoroki. He seems interesting, and I wanna talk to him some more."

He hums. "Baby boy is something. We talked this morning getting ready, and he's really sweet and very... relaxed? I swear I saw him have edibles for breakfast this morning." He laughs, moving his hand in a different way, making me shift a little at the relief.

I smile. "That's what I thought too. He looks high. A lot."

"Maybe he is. I saw something else though when he got here. Don't really know what it means or if I should ask him about it."

I furrow my brows, peeking up at him from my position snuggling his neck. "And that is?"

He shrugs. "Don't think I was supposed to see it, so I'm not gonna say anything in respect for him, y'know? He'll tell us when and if he wants."

I nod. "Yeah. Makes sense. I hope he's okay."

He brings me in closer and kisses my head. "I think he's going to be with some stuff that I heard."

What's that supposed to mean? Now I'm even more curious.

I look back and see that Kacchan and Todoroki are still going at it. "Damn. How much longer are they gonna go? I feel like we ended too soon now."

He laughs and shakes his head. "Who knows. I've kinda been blocking them out while talking with you, so..."

I smile. He's so sweet. "Hey, do you think I could top you?"

He laughs. "Yeah, no way in hell. You could try, but I know I would just get you bent over for me instead."

I blush at his statement and burry my head in his neck again. "Meanie."

He laughs some more and stops rubbing my tail bone. "We should take a shower real quick. We're all sweaty."

I nod in agreement and start to get out of bed, but that's honestly a little... hard? Like... Kiri in bed was amazing, but now I'm aching a little.

He sees me wince a little and chuckles a little. "You need some help there, babe?"

I raise an eyebrow at him and turn my head. "No. I'm a big boy. I'm perfectly capable of picking myself up. I'm very rebellious, I hope you know."

"And how does you being rebellious have to do with anything?"'

I smirk. "It's to show that I'm a perfectly capable... uh... person? I don't really remember where I was going with this... Let's just take a shower."

I start to get up again but wince once again at the pain in my lower back. Kiri smirks. "Let me help you."

He stands up with me on his lap still and carries me to the bathroom. I continue to lay my head on his shoulder and see just in time Todoroki and Kacchan finish.

Kacchan's biting his lip as Todoroki bites on his neck... so... that was pretty hot. I'm too sore to say anything though.

Kiri starts the shower and sets me on the toilet as he waits for the water to heat up. He kisses my forehead and feels the water. "It's good now. Let's go in."

"Yo, shitty hair! Don't go in yet. I wanna join you two." Kacchan bursts in and says.

I laugh as Kiri shakes his head while pouting. "My name's Kirishima!"

The blondie scowls. "Does it look like I give a single fuck, shitty hair?"

I laugh some more and stand up, getting into the shower. "Stop being such babies and get in already."

I step in and sigh at the heat of the water. It feels so good. Kacchan and Kiri get in after me. The red head puts his arm around my waist from the behind and kisses my head. Kacchan is in front of me and kisses me for a second.

"Where's baby boy?" Kiri asks, letting go of my waist go grab the body wash. We're lucky that the showers are a good size, because all three of us wouldn't be able to fit.

"Who?" Kacchan asks, grabbing the shampoo and massaging it into my hair.

Kiri laughs as he puts soap on his body. "Sorry. Todoroki."

I sigh out as Kacchan continues to massage his fingers in my hair. "You make him sound so... like... docile and fragile when you call him that." I say.

"What? Baby boy?"

I nod and hum "yes".

He shrugs. "He is fragile with me. Quite a sight to see."

"Thanks for gloating about it, shitty hair. It was so needed," Kacchan says, rolling his eyes.

"Oh shut up, Bakugou."

Kacchan looks him dead in the eyes after he washes the shampoo out of my hair. "Make me."

I know he did not just do that...

Kiri smirks and grabs Kacchan by the back of his neck, bringing him close. Thai causes us both to gasp in surprise. I was not expecting that.

...wow didn't know it did that...

"Don't test me, Katsuki."

Kacchan growls and pushes away. "I was just fucked into the mattress, I don't need it again."

Kiri laughs and continues to bathe. Kacchan and I bathe each other, and it's nice.

"You never answered my question. Where's baby boy?"

Kacchan sighs as he steps out of the shower with me. Kiri's still washing his hair. "He went out to get some food from the cafeteria."

We hear Kiri hum, so we dry off and head back to the room. We get dressed in some of their clothes. I go with a pair of boxers and Kiri's sweatshirt, and Kacchan finds some basketball shorts and a t-shirt, that are way too small on him around the hips and chest area. How funny.

We walk out of the room to go to the living room to see if Todoroki was back, and he was. Just sitting there watching TV, eating a sandwich and looking hot as hell with no shirt on.

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