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Izuku's POV

"This is bullshit!" I yell, standing up from my chair and banging my hand against the table, making it shake.

My mom looks back at me with a stern face, not flinching. "Izuku Midoriya sit back down right now."

"No! Why?! I don't need to go to a fucking boarding school!"

"Izuku! You are out of control! I can't get you to be better, then maybe a reformative school can."

I flare my nose and breath in deeply. "I am and not going!"

"Well, good thing you don't get a say in this, because you are. I don't care if you want to or not. I'm doing this for you. It will be good for you."

I scoff. "I'm being stripped of my freedom, because you think I'm bad."

"You're in a gang, Izuku! You do drugs and drink! You are sixteen! You do not need to be doing that stuff!"

"Who cares! I have all As and Bs in school, and I'm athletic. I don't need to go to that god forsaken school! That's where real bad kids go. Do you really want me mingling with them!?"

She stands up as well. "You're not changing my mind, Izuku. It's called UA Boarding School. You're going in a week. Be ready by then. They require you to wear a uniform. You can come back on weekends."

"Like I would want to see you."

She looks at me hurt then walks away. I don't give a fuck.

I shout in frustration and go to my room, grabbing my wallet and phone, putting them in my pocket.

I go downstairs and am about to walk out before mom finds me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going to Warui's."

I don't wait for her to respond and get in my Jeep to go to my boyfriend's house.

I met him when I was fifteen. He was seventeen. Mom didn't approve, but I didn't care. Still don't.

One thing that was a big let down with him though is that he wants a monogamous relationship... I like open relationships. I liked him a lot though, so I decided to date him anyway.

I don't know exactly why I dated him, honestly. I like being the bottom, but I'm not in our relationship. It's annoying. I want to be dominated, god damnit!

I don't want to break up with him, since I don't want to hurt him. He won't break up with me though! I've done some mean shit! I've never been physically harsh with him, of course. The only thing left is to cheat, and I'm not that horrible.

I really don't like him that much anymore, but he's a good fuck, so why not? Ya know. Maybe I'll find a few hot guys at this new school. Maybe...

I roll into his driveway and park, getting out of the car in a fury.

"Who the fuck does she think she is?!"

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