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(I wrote a lot of this while church was going on in the background... lmaooo)

Izuku's POV

"Holy shit... they're so cute."

Who... what...?

"Get your phone out take some pictures! This is definitely becoming my lock screen background now."

Eyes! Open! Eh... I'm too tired.

"Send those to me... Wait, you probably need my number to do that." Then the two people laugh.

God! Who is talking over there! And about who?

"Yeah, I need it. Imma put you in as "Baby Boy" with that watery eye emoji."

Eijiro? Yeah, I definitely need to wake up now.

I groan as I wake up. "What are you guys talking about?"

They both blush as they look at me. "Look at who you're snuggling with," Todoroki says.

I look over and see Kacchan sleeping next to me, and I can't help but smile. He's so cute. I'm definitely gonna get bigger and taller, so then I can protect him... Todoroki too. I'm gonna get so big, dude. And I am not talking about my peepee! Okay... maybe I am a little.

"He's adorable... what time is it?"

"It is uh... 6:37 pm."

I raise my eyes at Ei. "Really? I've been sleeping for about five and a half hours. Damn..." I look out the window and see that it's still light out slightly, and that it's raining. "It's still raining."

They both groan. "I know!" Sho says.

"It sucks!" Kiri adds to Sho's earlier statement.

I laugh. "I don't think so. I love the rain. It's so beautiful."

"I guess sometimes. But overall, no thank you," Kirishima says, sitting down at the end of the bed, bringing Todoroki down on his lap.

"I guess I just like background noise, and rain is so peaceful, so it's perfect for me."

They both shrug at the same time. Shrugging!? Again?!

"I much rather listen to birds or feel the sun on my face in the morning," Shoto says, and I fake gag.

"Ew! I hate waking up like that. Waking up to rain is so nice. I know the kind of day I'm gonna have when it is raining: perfect," I say, turning to look over when I hear a groan. "Hello, sleeping beauty."

He sighs, sits up slightly, then falls back down onto his pillow. He grabs my ear though and plays with it. "I like your piercings. I guess I never really payed to much attention to them, but I really like them"

I smile. "Thanks. There was awhile there where my mom didn't give a shit about what I did, and it was nice. I wish we were back to that."

"Man... I wish my dad didn't give a shit about me. That would be so nice," Shoto says, snuggling more into Ei, who accepts the affection gratefully. He looks like a god, I swear. I very cute one though.

"I like my parents." The other two say, nodding at each other.

Me and Shoto look at each other. "Can you imagine having non abusive parents" I shake my head. "Me neither."

I laugh at Shoto, and the other two look at us concerned. "Dude! My mom wouldn't feed me!" I laugh some more, and so does Sho.

"Mine burned me with boiling hot water!" He laughs.

"My dad left when I was in seventh grade, and now wants nothing to do with me." More laughing.

"Mine over works me to the point of throwing up!"

Basically it's just me and Sho laughing at our fucked-up-ness, while Ei and Kacchan just look at us in fear.

"Uh... guys, do you need to talk about it? Have some help?" Kiri asks, hugging Shoto more, putting his chin on his shoulder.

"Naw! My mom already do tried to get me a therapist, but I didn't particularly want that, y'know?" I say.

"Help?" Sho asks simply.

"God... you guys are so fucked up. And I tried to kill someone..."

Kacchan leave his head on my back, and I can feel his eyelashes and lips tickling my back. How long are his fucking lashes?

We laugh a little, while the blonde complains about me moving too much.

"Yeah, but it was... for a somewhat good reason. Murder isn't really good at all, but it was because he was even worse than that, so I don't see any fault really," Kiri says. "It's not like you actually killed him."

"Sadly..." Kacchan says.


"Praise the lord!"

"You guys are so weird," Kacchan says, looking at Todo and I.

"What's new?" I ask, getting up from laying down, causing Kacchan to grumble even more. "Also, Ei, weren't you the one that stole shit all the time?"

He groans, laying down, taking Todo with him. "Don't remind me! Whenever I think about it I either feel guilty or want to steal something."

"Which one are you feeling now?" Shoto asks.

"Stealing. I'm hoping I can steal your heart," the red-head says flirtatiously.

Sho quickly turns the tables and rotated on Ei, grabbing at his neck and pinning him down instantaneously. Kacchan and j just stare at the scene in front of us. "Why do you want it? To sell on the black market? Father always warned me that people would come after me cause they wanted to get vengeance on him for beating them. Who put you up to this?"

"Baby boy... I was flirting with you."

He relaxes his muscles, letting go of Ei. "That's a very weird way to flirt. Maybe you should learn some different ways." He stands up and helps Ei up as well.

I snort then start laughing, doubling over in laughter. "Dude! Oh my god!"

Kacchan soon joins in, then so does Eijiro, so it's us all laughing while Sho looks very confused.

"Why are you laughing?"

"That was so funny," Kacchan breathes out, since he was the first one to calm down. Ei and I are still laughing. "We're gonna have to teach you some things, Todoroki."


Hey! It's Loveliness! I am so sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER I started on this chapter so long ago, but I couldn't think of anything to put in it, so let's hope next chapter comes out better.

I've also been distracted with other books that I've been writing, but I haven't published yet, since I'm still very hesitant to do so.

Also, this story has this really weird thing going on where there's no plot but there kinda is? Sooooo I don't know what's going on there, so from now on it's probably gonna be mostly smut and fluff with little context of what else is happening.

So... how's quarantine treating you guys? (I know I'm a bit late to ask but still)

Thank you so much for reading! Please remember to vote, comment, and follow me! Bye!

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