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Izuku's POV

I groan as my alarm clock goes off, grabbing my phone and quickly turning it off.

I feel arms tighten around me, and I smile a bit. "Wake up, Kacchan. It's out 'first day of school'."

I try to get up, but he tightens his hold on me.

"Stay. In bed. With me."

I laugh slightly. He's so cute. Wow. I'm not even in a relationship with him, and I'm calling him cute and shit. Love that.

"We need to go to school. Sadly."

I try to get up again, but he pulls me down on his chest.

"I'll give ya a deal, Deku. We have sex, then we can go to school. How about it?"

I chuckle and bite my lip. "Deal."


"That was fun." I look at my phone. "And we're five minutes late already."

He grins and chuckles. "So worth it."

"Okay, big guy, get up."

I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom, quickly going through my routine, which wasn't much.

Kacchan went ahead and got ready, so now I get dressed, and he does his morning routine.

"I don't want to go to this fucking school, Deku."

I shrug and keep walking. "It's not like we can do much about it. Maybe we can run away sooner or later."


We walk into the classroom about fifteen minutes late. Not even, but the teacher glares at us.

"You're late."

He just looks tired... same though, bro.

I look around the room and see very uninterested eyes all around the room.

I look at the teacher and give him a big cocky smile. "So sorry, but we had very important matters to do, sir."

He raises a brow. "Like what?"

"We were fucking," Kacchan says, walking over to a desk, so I follow him.

Some other students snicker, but the teacher stays monotone. "As I was saying, class, these are the rules: no drinking, no smoking of any kind, no vaping, no more than one piercing in your ears, no facial piercings, and no dyed hair."

We all stay quiet then look around the room, then we all start laughing.

"You- you must be joking, teach!" Some girl with pink hair and many piercings exclaimed very loudly. "So we can't have any fun or be ourselves?"

"I call bull shit!" A guy with with bright yellow hair and some design on it says.

The teacher's eyebrow twitches and he looks at yellow-dude. "And no cursing."

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