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(Mentions of rape and possibly other triggering content. Proceed at your own risk)

Izuku's POV

"Do you always walk around with no shirt on?" Bakugou says, looking at him with a quirked brow.

Todoroki looks at us and slowly bites down into his sandwich, chewing lightly. "Sometimes. We literally fucked like fifteen minutes ago, so I didn't really think anyone would mind."

I shrug, sitting by the arm of the couch and putting my legs on Todoroki's lap. He sets his hand on my ankle and rubs his thumb along my skin in a comforting manner. I grab a sandwich as well and start eating.

Kacchan comes over and gives us water to drink then he sits down on a chair and starts to eat as well, turning on the TV to Netflix. We watch some random show on it; it looks like a game show of some sort?

"Fucking come on, Dave! Just get the balls in the fucking cup! God dammit, Dave! You messed it up for your team!" Todoroki and I look at each other then to Kacchan, who was making all the noise. "What you looking at, nerds?"

I let a smile crack. "Nothing, Kacchan. Nothing at all."

He grunts, and I hear Todoroki let out an amused chuckle. Cute...

Kiri comes out with wet hair as well and looks at all of us. "Hey! It's a sandwich party! I wanna cuddle too! Bakugou, stand up."

"Excuse you? Don't tell me what to fuc- ah!" Kiri picks him up- after grabbing a sandwich- and puts him on his lap.

"Ah, this is better."

Kacchan rolls his eyes as he blushes lightly. "Why don't either of you have shirts on?"

Todoroki and the red head look over at each other. "We both have enough top for us and our shirts," Todo says as Ei nods in agreement.

Kacchan and I stare at them, and we both stand up and leave the room to go back to our own. That was so bad.

"Hey! Wait up!"

I shake my head. "No, Ei, that was so bad. I can't look at either of you right now."

"Me either."

I sigh. "I'm very disappointed in you guys." Both Kacchan and I are still looking away from them.

"We'll get our clothes tomorrow. Goodbye, fuckers."

We start to walk away, but they both grab us and drag us back in the room. "Oh no you don't. We're not letting you go back that easy. Besides, I want to get to know all of you guys more."

I look back at Kiri, who grabbed me, and smile. "That actually does sound like a good idea."

"Who said I wanted to get to know any of you guys?!" Bakugou says, trying to get away from Todo, but his grip was too tight.

Damn... I just noticed how buff he really is now... I was too distracted my Ei earlier, but now that I have a good look at him... Damn. Really just... damn.

"I think we should get to know each other more too. I'm very intrigued with all you guys." I blush at Todoroki's voice. It's just so... smooth? Like he could lull me to sleep.

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