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(Go support this artist on twitter! They make a amazing art! Their @ is SybLaTortue. You can't see the pic smh, but look them up!)

(Sorry this took forever.... and this will change POVs a lot to get a bunch of different perspectives🤭)

Izuku's POV

"Wanna bottom today, Todo?" I look over at one of my three boyfriends, and Sho shrugs from where he is in the kitchen.

"Sure. I've been feeling like just laying there for awhile and getting pampered. Bakugou hasn't given me a break since my hair's grown out." He looks over to Kacchan, smirking.

"It's very pretty! I like it," he says defensively.

"What do we like?" Kirishima asks, hair still damp from his shower. He just got done working out with me. It's my turn to shower now after lunch.

"Shoto's hair," Kacchan says, looking over.

"Damn straight," the red head answers, slapping candycane's ass. "Y'know, those leggings do wonders for you. I could eat you out right now."

I hum in agreement, and Kacchan nods his head. "I think you should," I say.

"I am making lunch! It's soba."

"I say I do it too." Kirishima grins at him in a plea.

Todoroki sighs. "Fine, but if I ruin lunch, then you're going to buy it for us."

"Deal!" He grins. He walks over to Todoroki, a predatory look in his eyes.

He goes behind him and kisses up his neck, making the other groan in pleasure, pushing up against the red head.

Kirishima puts his hand on the waist band of his pants and slowly-


"Izuku!" He wakes up with a grunt, looking over at his mom. "We're here."

He looks over at his mom with tired eyes. "Where are we?"

"We're at the institution again, love. Your psychosis has gotten worse, so I thought it was best if you came back here."

He looks up at the dreary building and sighs, wishing he could go back to the world from before- what he made up himself. It was nice, freeing in its own way, that seems like only he gets.

He's been diagnosed with psychosis since he was ten. Nothing really caused it, it was just there. People used to say he just had a wild imagination when he would explain what he did that day, talking about mermaids, pirates, and fairies.

Soon, they realized he was serious, and his mom got him checked out. It wasn't too concerning then- it wasn't that influential. It all seemed like it was good, he had never imagined anything bad before the age of fifteen.

When he turned fifteen though, he imagined some irksome, terrible things which caused him to try and take his life on many an occasion.

He still imagined those kinds of things all the time, but there's still some good in there as well, even if it is rare to find.

His latest imagine has been great, but he doesn't think it'll be coming back any time soon, not with him being at the institution.

Over the years, the psychosis got to him mentally very bad, so he started to really feel the way that he felt in the other worlds in his head. He kinda meshed into all of the other "him"s in his head. Some were confident, strong, and impenetrable, while others were anxious, weak, and depressed. All of these different characteristics meshed into his own, real personality (though to him they all were as real as he). The bad outweighed the good, and soon he was over taken by the sadness and anxiety.

His psychosis (the good times) were his escape. They were the only way he knew how to cope. It was his best friend yet his worst enemy at the same time.

"Izuku, c'mon, hon."

He sighs as he gets out of the car as his mother instructed, grabbing his bag and following close behind her.

He knew he was a strain on her and her heath. He knew watching him must hurt her so, but he couldn't bare to leave her. She was his support just as much as his illness was, and so he hated coming here. This was his third time in the last two years. He doesn't want his mom to leave him again.

They walk him into the institute, and he looks around. He sees familiar and unfamiliar faces. Mostly unfamiliar though.

This institution was specifically for teenagers from 13-18. They are usually separated by grade in here. The people are usually nice, but there are a few that aren't. Usually they have some type of anger issues.

He looks over as his mom signs papers, putting him in here for who knows how long again. Last time it was two months. Maybe I'll be more, less, or the same, but guessing from the eye bags around her eyes, he's assuming longer.


....don't hate me skrt skrt

Look out for a fic continuing this soon

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