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Hey, guys. I know I said I would write smut, and as you can see from the beginning of the latest chapter, I fully intended to do that. My mental health wouldn't let me though. I'm just not in the right headspace to be writing anything smutty like that.

I know that was a big twist- the entire book was just one big psychosis episode for Izuku. I want to lead that to a new fic. Sorry it had to end that way, but I couldn't think of anything other than that (and it led into a good fic lol)

It feels pretty dark for me right now, even if it's not all the time it's like an oncoming storm that's always there. You see it, but you're not sure if it'll come or not. For me, it's either sunny or full on rain showers, and it's not fun.

I also just don't feel motivated at all, which kills me. I have so many books I want to write, I have so many ideas that I want to put into real stories or oneshots, but I can't bring myself to do it.

I'm so very sorry that I disappointed you guys. I know you expected more from me, and I'm sorry I couldn't give you that, but I have to look after myself for once. I have taken breaks before, but I have always cut them off early (even when I didn't feel anything like myself) so I could continue to write.

I love writing, and it kills me so much that I feel like I'm losing my love for it. The stress of disappointing people is really getting to me now all of a sudden, even if I have been dealing with it for over half my life.

All of a sudden, my depression and anxiety (which has turned to paranoia in my own weird fucked up way) as just gotten worse. I refuse to sleep until the sun comes up (I hate the dark), I sleep late and then feel guilty for not being with my friends or family more, and even then I feel even more exhausted due to the depression.

I... I am so sorry. I know you guys don't really care about my mental health, trust me I'm a reader too of many books, and I really just want an update like I'm sure you guys do too. I will still be trying my best, because I still love writing, and I love seeing you guys comment and interact with my books- it brings me so much joy. Thank you so much.

I love you all to the moon and back, and I hope you can try to see where I'm coming from. I still have so many ideas for new things, and I hope to have something out soon that I'm prepared for.

Thank you 💖

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