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(This picture is why I want beefy Izuku in this book later on lmao)

Izuku's POV

Kacchan and I go back to our dorm not too long after that to actually get more sleep. We're still tired even after our long ass nap.

"Hey... can I sleep with you tonight?"

I look over at him a little surprised and smile. "Sure. Scared to sleep alone?" I tease him.

He blushes and shrugs. "I'm just not used to not sleeping with someone... Camie and I were inseparable, and we were always together, so we slept together. We have for years, so I'm not used to sleeping alone. Whenever we're not together, which is rare, I can't sleep."

I smile at him. "Well, you have a room mate/ amazing fuck buddy, so you have no reason to worry. Plus, I'm a snuggler."

He laughs and opens our dorm room door and lets me walk in first, so I say a little "thank you" and walk in. He walks in after me, going straight to the bedroom, which I went to as well.

I take off my clothes and put on my sleeping clothes, going over to Kacchan and putting my head on his back. "I'm tired."

He sighs. "Then go to bed."

"I thought you wanted to sleep in my bed with me."

He nods. "I do. But I'm not tired yet, so I was going to chill in my bed till I got tired."

I grumble. "Why not just do that in my bed?"

"They're tiny. It would be hard to relax with us trying to squish in the same bed."

"But we're going to sleep in the bed though. They're not even that tiny! They're queens!"

He groans. "Yeah, but I'll probably snuggle up against you, so it would be more comfortable. Plus, I have a king at home."

I pull back from him and look at our sleeping situation. "Rich kid... Why don't we just push our beds against each other then move the side tables, so they're on our respective sides. The dressers and desks stay where they are."

He looks at our beds, me, then shrugs. "I'm game for that. I want the left side."

I smile. "Good. I wanted the right anyways."

I move the dressers, then Kacchan helps me move the beds to the middle, taking our stuff from under it with them.

"Okay, I'm going to bed now," I say, crawling onto my side of the bed. We kinda combined our comforters in a way, so we both have enough covers to sleep.

Kacchan gets in not too long after, getting on his phone and texting someone, who I assume is Camie. I turn towards him and snuggle up against his side a little, which he responds with putting his arm around me.

"Good night, Kacchan."

"Night, nerd."

I sigh and close my eyes, falling asleep.


I holy a bit at the sound of an alarm. I fucking hate alarms. Stupid ass mother fuckers.

I hear Kacchan groan next to me, wrapping his arms more around me. "Turn that fucker off."


I reach for my phone and turn off the alarm. It's too early for this shit.

"We'll get up in a second. We have to get breakfast instead of make it, since we don't have any groceries."

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