Chapter 1

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~E N J O Y~

Kim Seokjin P.O.V

I was walking to work checking instagram stories and listening to Ariana grande's new album. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Oh hi Namjoon!" - I said looking my co-worker.
"Hi...want to walk together together to work? It's really lonely when I walk alone and I have no battery yeah". I nod removing my headphones. We started walking together, talking about how hard night shifts are. We were in front of the coffee shop when Namjoon asked. "Hey jin? Do you have a girlfriend?". I was pretty shocked at this point starring at him with widened eyes."Well no....why?".
"Just asking out of curiosity that's all". I nod beliving him. "Jin have you ever been in a relationship with a man?" - Namjoon asked starring at me. "Namjoon are you okay..?.I mean you just asking me stupid questions out of nowhere."- I was getting kinda annoyed. I mean what work does he have in my love life? "Gee I was just asking..." - Namjoon said and started unlocking the cafe. "Well I have once..." - I said shyly not knowing how he will react if I said I was bisexual.
"Oh that's great?...But wait are you gay?"
"I'm b-bisexual..." - I wanted to slap myself from sluttering but I didn't know how he will react.
"Really? I'm too!" - he said, walked inside the cafe and signed me with his hand to come in.
"You are?" - to be honest I was shocked he was bisexual, but I'm not saying is a bad thing. I was actually happy to have a friend that understood my sexuality.
He nodded and I came inside. "Okay well I need to go get ready see you" - I said and walked inside the staff room to change into my work clothes.

It was almost the end of my shift and I was honestly so tired that I started drifting to sleep while standing up.
Then somebody came inside the cafe.
"Hello what would you like-" . My eyes looked at the god that just came inside the cafe. What was happening to me?.
I just couldn't stop starring at the beautiful and handsome man. He looked around and came to me.
"Hello" - fuck his voice is deeper then the freaking pasific ocean. That just fucking great. "H-hello w-what would you l-l-like?". I mentally face palmed my self for sluttering that much in front of him. The handsome stranger hasn't even looked me yet and I'm freaking dying out here. "I would like you" - The man said and looked at me smirking. My face started to heat up and my heart just skipped a beat or two. God what did I do to deserve this?
"I-I'm not on the m-menu sir,so what w-would you like?" STOP IT JIN...stop sluttering.I don't even know him for god sake! and he probably has a girlfriend anyway... "Hm then I would have whatever you choose to make me" - he said and smiled. "S-sure have a s-sit I will call you w-when it's ready". He nodded and sat on the couch close to the exit. What should I do???oh my god what does he like? What does he dislike? After 5 minutes I chose to make him a Black tea with soy milk. It's a really simple, but tasty drink. "Hey sorry what's your name?" - I asked silently screaming. He stood up and walked to me. "I'm Kim Taehyung nice to meet you"
"You have a pretty name" - I say shyly writing his name on the cup and started preparing the drink.
"D-Do you like Black tea with soy
m-milk?" - I ask.
"Oh I actually love black tea! Did you make that?". I nod and handed over his black tea. "Well thanks for that-"
"Kim Seokjin p-pleasure to meet you". He laughed quetly. " You are very cute Seokjin and the shortness adds more cuteness" ( lol sorry if it didn't make sense) I blush and looked away.
"Well Jin...I have to go" - he said and I was a little bit disappointed in that.
"Y-Yeah your girlfriend is probably waiting haha" - I slightly laugh to not make it akward. "Well I don't have a girlfriend...I'm actually bisexual..."
"You don't?!?" - I screamed from happiness then shut that mouth of mine. Oh good now everyone is starting at me hehe great just great...
"Hah cute~" - he said quetly but I still heard him. "Okay well bye Jin he winked and started walking away"
"ahhh WAIT!" - I want to beat the shit out of my mouth right now. He turned to face me."yes?".
"C-can I-I-I have y-your n-num-"
"actually it's n-nothing!". He smiled at my statement and came even close to me. "You are really handsome and cute you know that right? Here cutie you shouldn't be uncomfortable asking me"

I blushed like crazy after hearing the nickname and then he left leaving a piece of paper on the table. This is too much for one day I thought. But I was excited that he gave me his number after all.

"come back again"

I said quetly to myself and went to change into my clothes.

This is so cringe but anywho... did you like it? ;(
I hope you did because it took me like 2 hours to write this thing you know...c:

And it's my first time writing a ship fanfic so yeah give me your thoughts on it.
Should I continue or just delete this...?


P.s. so sorry for the cringe


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