Chapter 15

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I have a deal for you Kim Seokjin 

🍓 E  N  J  O  Y 🍓 

Kim Seokjin P.O.V

Why was he texting me again? Why!?
I didn't know what to do at this point as if i was in a fog. I knee down to pick up my phone my hand still shaking uncontrollably from the situation, but then another SMS.

Unknown: Don't be scared i only want to make a deal with you...

Is he watching me..? That thought came
again and again in my mind I was so scared that i didn't know what to do next so I had to go with my instinct.
That was to call Taehyung and hope he picks up, but then again another SMS showed up.

Unknown: Don't do anything stupid you know I'm here to only make a deal...

"As if I would believe you piece of shit"- I murmured underneath my breath.
I think through the situation and finally answered him.

Seokjin: What do you want from me?

Unknown: Oh finally you got the guts to answer! So then....let's begin.

Seokjin: I'm asking you again. What do you want from me Young-Nam?

Unknown: So Taehyung told you....interesting. I want to meet you...

Seokjin: Not happening.

Unknown: Let me finish. I want to meet you or else Taehyung wouldn't be able to breathe again...

Seokjin: What do you mean?

Unknown: In other words I'll kill him.

After I red the message I started panicking even more than before. 
I wouldn't let him get hurt! I should protect my Taehyung from that trash.

Seokjin: Okay. Where and when?

Unknown: 8pm at XXXX come alone. 

Unknown: Oh and don't even think about telling Taehyung you know the cost.

After I was done reading those text I put my phone on the bed and hugged my knees crying. I can't tell Taehyung about this or that man will do something. I knew I made a mistake and it wasn't a small one, but I can't tell Taehyung...because I love him and I would have to kill myself if he got in danger because of me. I keep crying while thinking hard what to do that I didn't realize i feel asleep.

Kim Taehyung P.O.V.

I was now searching my fridge desperately trying to find that chocolate pudding I got so I can eat it while watching some Kdrama.

"Damn it! Why can't I find it!" - I scream in frustration then gave up on searching.

I got my wallet and keys put them in the back pocket of my shorts and went to the store to buy food.

I enter the store and my eyes started sparkling from the huge choice of sweets. I don't know what got to me, but I left the store with 3 bags full of candy and instant noodles. I start walking home while humming. I was so peaceful at that moment that I didn't realize the car that stopped right in front of me. I look at the driver and my breathing increased.

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