Chapter 21 - 18+

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Taehyung P.O.V.

"Okay go and have a good night" - I say smiling to Jin. He went to open the door, but quickly stopped himself and came back to me. I look at him confused
"W-Want to s-stay the night?" - He said shyly looking at me secretly from underneath. My eyes went wide. I mean this cute fluffy baby is asking for me to stay the night and I can't say no to that he was too adorable.
"Okay let's go princess" - I say showing a smile once again he open the door and I started taking my shoes off. I look around the house remembering all the bad and good memories with Jin in it.
"Where am I sleeping?" - I ask still looking around. "My room" - Jin said a bit louder. I started coughing maybe from the dust,'s probably the dust.
I hit my head trying to stop my perverted mind from thinking any of that and went to Jin's room. My eyes opened widely from the view and lust totally started getting the best of it.
"T-Tae!?" - Jin screamed making me stop staring at his beautiful curves and come back to earth I quickly close the door to his room and went to the bathroom. I wash my face with water trying to forget Jin wearing only his underwear, more specifically those panties, but failed miserably. I bite my bottom lip trying to calm down my hormones and took a deep breath before going outside. I sat on his bed we we're not looking at each other for some time from embarrassment. Luckily he had dressed up now or I would be all around him. "T-Tae you probably didn't hear me when I said for you to w-wait outside..It's o-okay" - He said looking at me."You looked cute" - Jin's eyes widened and he blushed from one ear to another. He stood up, but I grabbed his hand and sat him on my crouch. Jin looked at me surprised from my actions. "T-Tae what a-are you doing?". I can't he looks too cute and asking me that he is so precious I love him. "Princess why are so cute? I'm so lucky to have you".

Seokjin P.O.V.

"T-Thanks" - I said. My heart feels like is about to jump out he is so handsome from upclose and I just want to kiss him. Of course I won't be able to because I'm shy and he probably doesn't want to. I became a lil sad from those thoughts, but the thing is I think too much because the feeling on my lips and heart is back. He kissed me as if he can read my mind. I kiss him back passionately closing my eyes enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine. His hands travelled around my body making me shiver. He broke the kiss.
"Princess are you sure you want to continue?" - Just like Jimin said he will ask if I'm ready for this. I shyly nod looking at his beautiful hazel eyes. His hands went under my shirt I bite my lips hard to stop myself from moaning. "Princess one question" - He said while taking my shirt off and throwing it somewhere on the floor. "Y-Yes?" - I hardly say. "Why did you wear those?". I didn't know what to say. I can't tell him. "F-For comfort.." - I wanted to slap myself right now I probably sound so stupid. "For comfort? Not for me?" - I look away my face and ears now turning new shade of red. Suddenly I felt something on my neck I immediately knew it was his lips. I bite my lips so hard they start ripping.
"Why are you hiding your enjoyment?". He really had to say that? His sloppy kisses travelled to my back. I close my eyes shut feeling he is biting me softly as well. I couldn't hold it anymore so I became a moaning mess. I could feel him smirking. I didn't want to feel weak, but the pleasure that came along was so worth it. I turn around finding him shirtless and his belt unbuckled. I don't know what got into me, but I just wanted his touch and his touch only. I kissed him hard once again he kissed back and laid me on my bed. Guess I'm the bottom I thought. He put his hands from both my side's preventing me from running away. He bit my lip making me moan from pain. He took advantage and slipped in his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. After our session he started placing soft pecks on my jawline down to my neck. I put my head back giving Taehyung full access to my body. He started licking my with the tip of his tongue and went down to my stomach licking the now healed wound. I feel him going down and down so I grab his hand. "T-Taehyung stop" - He looked up all I could see what lust in his eyes. I started panicking knowing I won't stop him. "P-Please s-stop" - I say digging my nails deep in his arm muscle, but he doesn't even move. "Seokjin is this you're first time?" - My body froze and I shivered from his deep voice. As if it wasn't Taehyung it was some kind of demon. He started taking off my shorts "n-no!" - I try to stop him once again. Taehyung grabed my hands and put them on top of my head. He was way more powerful so I couldn't move at all.
"Princess you are going to be mine" - I blushed from that sentence. "I'm already yours". I couldn't fight anymore and I won't. I started moaning and shouting his name. He let go of my hands. I take off his jeans my eyes widened from his size. "T-Tae I love you".

Kim Taehyung P.O.V.

My heartbeat increased after his confession. "I love you too jin" - I say going down to his milky white tights. He looked so beautiful like an angel. I couldn't stop myself from touching him. I massage his tight making him moan softly. I look at his panties, he looked so cute with them. "Angel you look cute under me". He blushed and closed his legs. I laughed quietly from his shyness and kissed him. I started taking off his underwear, but he stopped me and broke the kiss breathing heavily. I started tickling his belly making him laugh and revealing his. "T-Tae not fair" - I look at him confused then saw his foot trying to remove my boxers. My eyes widened and I slightly blushed, but took off my underwear after as well. "Tae let me please you" - I was shocked where did the shy cute baby went? I remove my hands and he quickly went to my neck giving me soft kisses. What was going on? I don't know what happened to my princess, but his dominant side was turning me on.


Hey guys....LOOK I know it's not the best, but it's my 2th time writing smut so cut me some slack. I need holy water after writing that. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter as you can see i made it longer bc idk. I love you bye bye ♡♡♡♡

- M

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