Chapter 2

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~Previously ~

"Come back again"

I said quetly to myself and went to change my clothes.

~E N J O Y~

Kim Seokjin P.O.V.

I was done changing my clothes when I heard my phone ring.
I picked up my phone and saw the caller's ID. It was Jimin - my best friends since birth. I picked up my phone and was greeted by jimin's sweet voice.
"hey jinnie!"
"hi chim chim!" - I said back laughing
"Dudee I have a lot to tell you! So I was walking u know...was going to pick up my niece from kindergarten, but then oh my god I cannot even-
okay sooo this handsome man just walked past me and you know the hoe I am I was like shocked and then...."- Jimin started explaining to me while squicking from excitement. "So you telling me you fell in love chim chim?" - I asked straight to the point. "I-I guess I d-did..." - Jimin was silent for a minute. "Well I have something to tell you too Jimin!". I started telling him everything in detail for what happend an hour ago with that handsome stranger going by the name Taehyung.
"JINNNN! WE FELL IN LOVE TOGETHER! THAT IS AMAZING!" - Jimin screamed on the phone.
"Well I didn't technically fell in love I just thought-"
"Shut up! You should take a picture of him or something so I can see what we working with jinnie" - Jimin said
"Y-you want me to take a picture o-of him??! How in the world would I do that?"- Jimin was silent once again probably thinking
"Make him have a selfie with you!"
"WHAT?!?Jimin that is even more nonsense"
"Not like that! Say you need it for the cafe or something I don't know?!"
"Uh I guess I could try" - I said quetly on the phone.
"Okay well Chim Chim I need to wrap it up now talk to you later byeeee". I said and ended the call. I got everything in my backpack and was ready to go home. I get the keys from the key holder and locked the cafe after exiting.


Uh it's already so late and I'm so tired.
I just imagined me coming home and blooping on my soft and comfy bed.
"I'm so going to sleep when I come home". I put in my headphones and started to listing to
"Bad guy by Billie Eilish" I mouthed the words from the song while walking and dancing to the rhythm knowing nobody will see me because it was already so late.
~ I'M A BAD GUY DU-~. I was walking while singing my favorite part from the song when suddenly I bumped into someone. "Oh sorry my bad" - I said shyly looking up at the tall man standing in front of me. But when the light from the street lamp fell on his face I froze. "T-Tahyung?". Was it really him or was I imagining something?.
"Oh Kim Seokjin pleasure to meet you again" - he said smiling to me
"Sorry I interrupted your dance you were just too cute so I couldn't back off" - He said honesty. Fuck....
He saw me dancing....and singing
I kept quiet just blushing and looking down to the stranger's feet. "Let's get you home cutie.
"I-I can go by myself"
"No need I'm here" - he said and grabbed my hand with his
"Now where do you live Princess?"
I was too shy to tell him something so I just pointed with my finger to house that was near by. I know I'm stupid saying where I live to someone I don't know that well, but at this moment I couldn't think straight. "Okay let's go!". I nodded and followed him while holding hands. We walked for like 3-5 minutes , but it felt like 2 hours I literally lost myself holding his hand while looking at his tall and manly body beside me. "How long do you plan on starring?"- Taehyung asked and looked at me. If stares could kill I would be dead by now."I-I didn't look a-at you...." - I started looking around trying to find an excuse. "I-I was just watching t-the tree" I want to slap myself right now. I really just said that, I probably sound so stupid right now. Taehyung laughed at my answer. He was so beautiful under the starry night only the moon lit his face, but you could see his handsome face even in the dark.
"You are so bad at lying princess"
"Oh and I want to ask you something before you leave!" - he added
"Want to go to a movie or something...?"
"L-like alone...?- I asked quetly.
"Yeah...I mean if you aren't comfort-"
"NO I'M GOOD! I CAN COME!!". He slightly laughed. "Okay then see you tomorrow cutie I will pick you up at 2pm". He waved at me and after that left my sight.

What the fuck just happened!?!
I need to tell Jimin! I quickly took out my phone and dialed 'chim chim'.
"Jinnie?What is it?"
"J I M I N"
"WHAT?!?? JINNNN you sure make things work fast...hehe so what would you be doing with him hmm?". I can sense that Jimin right now is thinking dirty thoughts.
"YAH! JIMIN! It's not going to happen you know that right?
"Pfff you think he was ask you politely or...maybe....give you flowers...?" Jimin's laugh could be heard from the phone.
"Jimin..? Should I be concerned? Should I decline politely? Jimin I'm scared now..."

"Jinnie baby I was joking it's going to be okay just don't be shy to say 'no' if you don't want it and if you are scared tell him. if he is a 'man' he will understand your concerns and stop right away talk with you. And if he does something to you call me I will deal with him..."

"Thanks Chim Chim! Thanks for always being by my side." I smiled at myself thinking about some funny moments me and Jimin have had over the past years.

"Okay well Jinnie if you okay now? Can I go because I have some work you know"
"Yeah sorry to keep you busy bye Jimin"...and the call ended. I put my phone for a charge and went to the bathroom to do my night routen. After I was finished I put on my childish pajamas laid down on the bed and drifted into deep sleep.

Oof okay so once again a cringe chapter. Well sorry about that. But at least I hope you enjoyed it at least a little bit! :(
I really do put a lot of work into this fanfic thanks again and have a good day/night ♡♡♡


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